possint. Hyeme quam frigidum sit, magnae moles
glaciei in medio mari nos docuere. Relatum est
a comitibus mense Maio sexdecim totos dies interdum
se inter tantam glaciem haesisse, vt 60. orgyas altae
essent insulae: quarum latera soli apposita cum
liquescerent, liberatione quadam vniuersam molem ita
inuersam, vt quod ante pronum erat, supinum euaderet,
magno praesentium discrimine, vt consentaneum est.
Aer in terra mediocriter clarus est: ad orientem
supra mare perpetuae nebulae: Et in ipso mari
circa Bancum (sic vocant locum vbi quadraginta leucis
a terra fundus attingitur, et pisces capi incipiunt)
nullus ferme dies absque pluuia. Expeditis nostris
necessitatibus in hoc loco, in Austrum (Deo iuuante)
progrediemur, tanto indies maiori spe, quo plura de
iis quas petimus regionibus commemorantur. Haec
de nostris. Cupio de vobis scire: sed metuo
ne incassum. Imprimis autem quomodo Vntonus meus
absentiam meam ferat, praeter modum intelligere velim:
Habebit nostrum obsequium et officium paratum, quandiu
vixerimus. Reuera autem spero, hanc nostram peregrinationem
ipsius instituo vsui futuram. Nunc restat, vt
me tuum putes, et quidem ita tuum, vt neminem magis.
Iuuet dei filius labores nostros eatenus, vt tu quoque
participare possis. Vale amicissime, suauissime,
onrnatissime Hakluyle, et nos ama. In Newfundlandia
apud portum Sancti Iohannis 6. Augusti 1583.
Budeius, tuus.
The same in English.
To the worshipfull, Master Richard Hakluit at Oxford
in Christchurch Master
of Arts, and Philosophie, his friend and
I had not purposed to write vnto you, when the promise
of your letters came to my mind: You thought
in Iune last to haue followed vs your selfe, and therefore
I had left order that you should be aduertised of my
state, by Master Doctor Humfrey: but so you would
not be satisfied: I will write therefore to you
almost in the same words, because I haue no leasure
at this time, to meditate new matters, and to vary
or multiply words.
The 11. of Iune we set saile at length from England
in good earnest, and departed leauing the hauen and
land behind vs at Plimmouth: our Fleete consisted
of fiue shippes: the greatest, which the Admirals
brother had lent vs, withdrew her selfe from vs the
third day, wee know not vpon what occassion:
with the rest we sailed still together till the 23
of Iuly: at which time our view of one another
being intercepted by the great mists, some of vs sailed
one way, and some another: to vs alone the first
land appeared, the first of August, about the latitude
of 50. degrees, when as before we had descended beyond
41 degrees in hope of some Southerly windes, which
notwithstanding neuer blew to vs at any fit time.