The true course, &c.
20 24 e.s.e. 31 50 50 s.w.
The true course, &c.
22 48 e. by n. 68 51 30 s.s.w.
The true course, &c.
23 24 e. by n. 33 51 52 s.
The true course, &c.
24 24 e. by n. 31 52 10 variable.
The true course, &c. This 24 of August obseruing the variation, I found
the compass to vary towards the East from the true Meridian, one degree.
Noone the 27 72 e. 40 52 22 variable
northerly & calme.
The true coruse, &c for 72 houres.
Noone the 29 48 e.s.e. 47 51 28 variable w. & n.
The true course, &c.
Noone the 31 48 s.e. by e. 14 51 9 variable.
The true course, &c.
2 48 e. 65 51 n.w.
The true course, &c.
3 24 e. by s. 24 50 50 w.n.w.
The true course, &c.
4 24 s.e. by e. 20 50 21 n.n.e.
The true course, &c.
5 24 s.e. by e. 18 49 48 n.n.e.
The true course, &c. Now we supposed our selues to be 55 leagues from
6 24 e. by s. 15 49 40 n.
The true course, &c.
7 24 e.s.e. 20 49 15 n.n.w.
The true course, &c.
8 24 n.e. 18 49 40
9 24 w.s.w. 7 49 42
10 24 s.e. by e. 8-1/2 49 28 variable.
11 24 n.e. by e. 10 49 45 variable.
12 24 n.w. by w. 6 50 n.e.
13 24 e. by s. 15 49 47 n.e.
This 15 of September 1587 we arriued at Dartmouth.
Vnder the title of the houres, where any number exceedeth 24, it is the summe or casting vp of so many other dayes and partes of dayes going next before, as conteine the foresayd summe.
* * * * *
A report of Master Iohn Dauis of his three Voyages
made for the discouerie
of the Northwest passage, taken out of
a Treatise of his. Intituled the
worlds Hydrographicall description.
Now there onely resteth the North parts of America, vpon which coast my selfe haue had most experience of any in our age: for thrise I was that way imployed for the discouery of this notable passage, by the honourable care and some charge of Syr Francis Walsingham knight, principall secretary to her Maiestie, with whom diuer noble men and worshipfull marchants of London ioyned in purse and willingnesse for the furtherance of that attempt, but when his honour dyed the voyage was friendlesse, and mens mindes alienated from aduenturing therein.