to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. And also
we doe giue and grant to the sayde Adrian Gylbert,
and his sayde associates, and to such assignee of
him, and his heires, and to the heires and one assignee
of euery of his sayde associates for euer, full power
and absolute authoritie to trade and make their residance
in any of the sayde Isles, Countreys, Regions, Prouinces,
Territories, Seas, Riuers, Portes, Bayes, and Hauens,
and all maner of other places whatsoeuer with all commodities,
profites, and emoluments in the sayde places or any
of them, growing and arising, with all maner of priuiledges,
prerogatives, iurisdictions and royalties both by
sea and land whatsoeuer, yeelding and paying therefore
vnto vs, our heires and successors, the tenth part
of all such golde and siluer oare, pearles, iewels,
and precious stones, or the value thereof, as the
sayd Adrian Gylbert and his sayd associates, their
heires and assignes, servants, factors, or workemen,
and euery or any of them shall finde, the sayd tenth
to bee deliuered duely to our Customer, or other officers
by vs, our heires or successors thereunto assigned,
in the Fortes of London, Dartmouth, or Plimmouth,
at which three places onely the sayde Adrian Gylbert
and his sayde associates, their sayde heires and assignes,
shall lade, charge, arriue, and discharge all maner
of wares, goods, and merchandizes whatsoeuer to the
sayde voyage, and newe trade belonging or appertaining.
And moreouer, wee haue giuen, granted, and authorized,
and by these presents for vs, our heires and successors,
of our grace especiall, certaine knowledge, and meere
motion, doe giue, graunt, and authorize the said Adrian
Gilbert, and his said associats for euer, their heires
and their said assignes and euery of them, that if
the aforesayd Isles, Countreys, Regions, Prouinces,
Territories, Seas, Riuers, Ports, Bayes, or Hauens,
or any other of the premises by the sayd Adrian Gylbert
or his associates, their heires and their said assignes
or any of them, to be found by them, discouered and
traffiqued vnto by any trade as aforesayd, shall be
by any other our subiects visited, frequented, haunted,
traded vnto or inhabited by the wayes aforesayd, without
the special licence in writing of the said Adrian
Gylbert and his associats, and their heires and assignes
for euer, or by the most part of them, so that the
sayd Adrian Gilbert, his heires or assignes be one
of them, that then aswell their ship, or ships in
any such voyage or voyages be vsed, as all and singuler
their goods, wares, and marchandizes, or any other
things whatsoeuer, from or to any of the places aforesayd
transported, that so shall presume to visit, frequent,
haunt, trade vnto, or inhabite, shall be forfaited
and confiscated, ipso facto, the one halfe of the
same goods and marchandizes, or other things whatsoeuer,
or the value thereof to be to the vse of vs, our heires
or successours, and the other moytie thereof to be
to the vse of the sayd Adrian Gylbert and his said