Expositions of Holy Scripture: Romans Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 903 pages of information about Expositions of Holy Scripture.

Expositions of Holy Scripture: Romans Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 903 pages of information about Expositions of Holy Scripture.
striving to draw men away from God.  The supposition which the Apostle makes is, indeed, an impossible one, that these ministering spirits, who are sent forth to minister to them who shall be heirs of salvation, should so forget their mission and contradict their nature as to seek to bar us out from the love which it is their chiefest joy to bring to us.  He knows it to be an impossible supposition, and its very impossibility gives energy to his conclusion, just as when in the same fashion he makes the other equally impossible supposition about an angel from heaven preaching another gospel than that which he had preached to them.

So we may turn the general thought of this second category of impotent efforts in two different ways, and suggest, first, that it implies the utter powerlessness of any third party in regard to the relations between our souls and God.

We alone have to do with Him alone.  The awful fact of individuality, that solemn mystery of our personal being, has its most blessed or its most dread manifestation in our relation to God.  There no other Being has any power.  Counsel and stimulus, suggestion or temptation, instruction or lies, which may tend to lead us nearer to Him or away from Him, they may indeed give us; but after they have done their best or their worst, all depends on the personal act of our own innermost being.  Man or angel can affect that, but from without.  The old mystics called prayer ’the flight of the lonely soul to the only God.’  It is the name for all religion.  These two, God and the soul, have to ‘transact,’ as our Puritan forefathers used to say, as if there were no other beings in the universe but only they two.  Angels and principalities and powers may stand beholding with sympathetic joy; they may minister blessing and guardianship in many ways; but the decisive act of union between God and the soul they can neither effect nor prevent.

And as for them, so for men around us; the limits of their power to harm us are soon set.  They may shut us out from human love by calumnies, and dig deep gulfs of alienation between us and dear ones; they may hurt and annoy us in a thousand ways with slanderous tongues, and arrows dipped in poisonous hatred, but one thing they cannot do.  They may build a wall around us, and imprison us from many a joy and many a fair prospect, but they cannot put a roof on it to keep out the sweet influences from above, or hinder us from looking up to the heavens.  Nobody can come between us and God but ourselves.

Or, we may turn this general thought in another direction, and say, These blessed spirits around the throne do not absorb and intercept His love.  They gather about its steps in their ’solemn troops and sweet societies’; but close as are their ranks, and innumerable as is their multitude, they do not prevent that love from passing beyond them to us on the outskirts of the crowd.  The planet nearest the sun is drenched and saturated with fiery brightness,

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Expositions of Holy Scripture: Romans Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.