The Theory of the Theatre eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 199 pages of information about The Theory of the Theatre.

The Theory of the Theatre eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 199 pages of information about The Theory of the Theatre.

Jeanne d’Arc, 193, 194, 196, 197.

Jefferson, Joseph, 70, 103, 210, 226;
  Autobiography, 103;
  Rip Van Winkle, 70, 210, 226.

Jerome, Jerome K., 125;
  The Passing of the Third Floor Back, 125.

Jew of Malta, The, 136.

John Gabriel Borkman, 123, 142.

Jones, Henry Arthur, 69, 120, 123;
  Mrs. Dane’s Defense, 120;
  Whitewashing Julia, 123.

Jonson, Ben, 74, 100, 117, 202, 203;
  Bartholomew Fair, 202;
  Every Man in His Humour, 100.

Julius Caesar, 104, 125.

Keats, John, 19;
  Ode to a Nightingale, 31.

Kennedy, Charles Rann, 23, 45, 46, 47;
  The Servant in the House, 23, 45, 46.

Killigrew, Thomas, 79.

King John, 119.

King Lear, 17, 36, 43, 136, 174, 197.

Kipling, Rudyard, 52;
  They, 52.

Klein, Charles, 155;
  The Lion and the Mouse, 203;
  The Music Master, 23, 154.

Knowles, Sheridan, 79;
  Virginius, 79.

Kyd, Thomas, 48, 131;
  The Spanish Tragedy, 76.

Lady Inger of Ostrat, 19.

Lady Windermere’s Fan, 89.

La Grange, 62, 63, 71.

Lamb, Charles, 85, 200.

Landor, Walter Savage, 237.

Launcelot of the Lake, 188.

Lear, see King Lear.

Leatherstocking Tales, 59.

Le Bon, Gustave, 34, 49;
  Psychologie des Foules, 34.

Lee, Nathaniel, 70.

Letty, 37, 53.

Lincoln, 74.

Lion and the Mouse, The, 203.

London Assurance, 83.

Lope de Vega, 51.

Lord Chamberlain’s Men, 60.

Love’s Labour’s Lost, 48.

Lyly, John, 48, 61.

Lyons Mail, The, 38.

Macbeth, 17, 36, 43, 76, 77, 98, 118, 136, 144, 195.

Mackaye, Percy, 193, 196, 197;
  Jeanne d’Arc, 193, 194, 196, 197.

Macready, William Charles, 32.

Maeterlinck, Maurice, 31;
  Pelleas and Melisande, 56.

Magda, 53, 220.

Maid’s Tragedy, The, 28.

Main, La, 10.

Man and Superman, 47, 74.

Man from Home, The, 230.

Man of the Hour, The, 203.

Mansfield, Richard, 41, 70, 104, 106, 125.

Marion Delorme, 14, 116.

Marlowe, Christopher, 48, 73, 135, 137, 163, 171;
  Dr. Faustus, 136, 137;
  Hero and Leander, 171;
  The Jew of Malta, 136;
  Tamburlaine the Great, 73, 136.

Marlowe, Julia, 61.

Marpessa, 195.

Mary of Magdala, 7, 116.

Project Gutenberg
The Theory of the Theatre from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.