The Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor, and English Teacher's Assistant eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 531 pages of information about The Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor, and English Teacher's Assistant.

The Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor, and English Teacher's Assistant eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 531 pages of information about The Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor, and English Teacher's Assistant.

2.  I scarce remember in my own observation, to have met with many old men, or with such, who (to use our English phrase) were well, that had not at least a certain indolence in their humour, if not a more than ordinary gaiety and cheerfulness of heart.  The truth of it is, health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other; with this difference, that we seldom meet with a great degree of health which is not attended with a certain cheerfulness, but very often see cheerfulness where there is no great degree of health.

3.  Cheerfulness bears the same friendly regard to the mind as to the body:  it banishes all anxious care and discontent, soothes and composes the passions, and keeps the soul in a perpetual calm.  But, having already touched on this last consideration, I shall here take notice, that the world in which we are placed is filled with innumerable objects that are proper to raise and keep alive this happy temper of mind.

4.  If we consider the world in its subserviency to man, one would think it was made for our use; but if we consider it in its natural beauty and harmony, one would be apt to conclude it was made for our pleasure.  The sun, which is as the great soul of the universe, and produces all the necessaries of life, has a particular influence in cheering the mind of man; and making the heart glad.

5.  Those several living creatures which are made for our service or sustenance, at the same time either fill the woods with their music, furnish us with game, or raise pleasing ideas in us by the delightfulness of their appearance.  Fountains, lakes and rivers, are as refreshing to the imagination as to the soul through which they pass.

6.  There are writers of great distinction, who have made it an argument for Providence, that the whole earth is covered with green, rather than with any other colour, as being such a right mixture of light and shade, that it comforts and strengthens the eye instead of weakening or grieving it.  For this reason several painters have a green cloth hanging near them, to ease the eye upon after too great an application to their colouring.

7.  A famous modern philosopher accounts for it in the following manner:—­All colours that are more luminous, overpower and dissipate the animal spirits which are employed insight:  on the contrary, those that are more obscure do not give the animal spirits a sufficient exercise; whereas the rays that produce in us the idea of green, fall upon the eye in such a due proportion, that they give the animal spirits their proper play, and by keeping up the struggle in a just balance, excite a very agreeable and pleasing sensation.  Let the cause be what it will, the effect is certain; for which reason, the poets ascribe to this particular colour the epithet of cheerful.

Project Gutenberg
The Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor, and English Teacher's Assistant from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.