’Tis now no kettle, but a bell.
A wooden jack, which had almost
Lost, by disuse, the art to roast,
A sudden alteration feels,
Increas’d by new intestine wheels;
And strait against the steeple rear’d,
Became a clock, and still adher’d;
And, now, in love to household cares,
By a shrill voice the hour declares,
Warning the housemaid not to burn
The roast-meat which it cannot turn.
The easy chair began to crawl,
Like a huge snail along the wall;
There, stuck aloft in public view,
And, with small change, a pulpit grew.
A bed-stead of the antique mode,
Made up of timber many a load,
Such as our ancestors did use,
Was metamorphos’d into pews:
Which still their ancient nature keep,
By lodging folks dispos’d to sleep.
The cottage by such feats
as these,
Grown to a church by just
The hermits then desir’d
their host
Old goodman Dobson of the
Remembers, he the trees has
He’ll talk of them from
morn to night,
And goes with folks to shew
the sight.
On Sundays, after ev’ning
He gathers all the parish
Points out the place of either
“Here Baucis, there
Philemon grew;
“Till, once, a parson
of our town,
“To mend his barn, cut
Baucis down;
“At which, ’tis
hard to be believ’d;
“How much the other
tree was griev’d;
“Grew scrubby, died
a-top, was stunted;
“So the next parson
stubb’d, and burnt it.”
Oh happiness! our being’s
end and aim;
Good, pleasure, ease, content!
whate’er they name,
That something still which
prompts the eternal sigh,
For which we bear to live,
or dare to die:
Which still so near us, yet
beyond us lies,
O’erlook’d, seen
double, by the fool, and wise:
Plant of celestial seed! if
drop’d below,
Say, in what mortal soil thou
deign’st to grow:
Fair op’ning to some
court’s propitious shrine;
Or deep with di’monds
in the flaming mine?
Twin’d with the wreaths
Parnassian laurels yield,
Or reap’d in iron harvests
of the field?
Where grows? where grows it
not? If vain our toil,
We ought to blame the culture,
not the soil.
Fix’d to no spot is
happiness sincere?
’Tis no where to be
found, or every where.
Order is heaven’s first
law: and this confest,
Some are, and must be, greater
than the rest;
More rich, more wise.
But, who infers from hence
That such are happier, shocks
all common sense;
Heaven to mankind impartial
we confess,
If all are equal in their
But mutual wants this happiness
All natures difference keeps
all natures peace.
Condition, circumstance, is
not the thing;
Bliss is the same, in subject,
or in king;
In who obtain defence, or
who defend;
In him who is, or him who
finds a friend.