The Meadow-Brook Girls Afloat eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 205 pages of information about The Meadow-Brook Girls Afloat.

The Meadow-Brook Girls Afloat eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 205 pages of information about The Meadow-Brook Girls Afloat.

“And you left us in ignorance of all this, when the knowledge of it might have saved us much trouble, let alone the danger we ran and the final loss of the boat?” Miss Elting asked accusingly.

“Well, you see, it was hard to explain,” replied Dee Dickinson reluctantly.  “At any rate, at the time I thought it would be hard to explain, so I let it go without telling you.  I tried to make it all clear to Charlie that, having paid no money, he had no claim on the boat, but you can’t explain a thing like that to an Indian.  So Charlie wouldn’t listen to anything I could say.  The half-breed isn’t right in his head, anyway, I’m inclined to think.”

“So, without warning, you left us at the mercy of a possibly insane Indian?” Miss Elting persisted.  “Mr. Dickinson, you have acted in a very cowardly fashion toward women who had been sent here believing that they were to be in a measure under your protection.  You should be compelled to suffer for it.  I shall write to my brother at once and tell him just what sort of man you are.”

Dickinson cringed at Miss Elting’s severe words and fairly slunk from the guardian’s presence at the close of the interview.

The village constable and one of his men returned to the camp with Miss Elting and the boys to take charge of the Indian.  He was locked up for a few days by the authorities at Wantagh, then subjected to a rigid examination by a medical board, and being pronounced insane, was sent away to one of the state institutions for the demented.

The Meadow-Brook Girls and Miss Elting said good-bye to the Tramp Club that evening and spent the night at the village hotel.

“We’ve had a fine time at any rate,” said Jane McCarthy as they discussed all over again the exciting happenings of the day before, at breakfast the next morning.  “Where are we going next?  Vacation isn’t half over yet.”

“Why we’re going home, aren’t we?” asked Harriet, turning to Miss Elting.

“Not so you could notice it!” exclaimed Jane slangily.  “That is not if Miss Elting will listen to my plan.  Promise me you’ll do as I ask, Miss Elting.”

“I never make rash promises,” laughed Miss Elting.  “Tell us what you wish to do and then we’ll see about it.”

“I want to take you all for a week’s drive in my car.  You’ve been through so much here at the lake that my peculiar style of driving will hold no terrors for you.  What do you say?  Will you go?”

“If I thought you could be depended upon, for once, to drive safely—­” began Miss Elting somewhat dubiously.  “What is your pleasure, girls?”

“We want to go with Jane,” was the chorus.

“Hurrah!” cried Jane.  “It’s settled.  I’ll promise to bring you back home all safe and sound.”

The day was spent in shopping at the village store, as their belongings had all been aboard the ill-fated “Red Rover.”  The Meadow-Brook Girls decided to get along as best they could with their limited supply of clothing, and depended on buying their meals at the various hotels and farmhouses along the way.  After a happy week on the road, during which time Jane McCarthy proved herself to be a safe and careful driver, they turned their faces toward their own town.

Project Gutenberg
The Meadow-Brook Girls Afloat from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.