Elizabeth's Campaign eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 350 pages of information about Elizabeth's Campaign.

Elizabeth's Campaign eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 350 pages of information about Elizabeth's Campaign.

Sir Henry nodded to him and rode off.

‘He’ll go, of course,’ reflected the rider.  ’Our powers are quite enough.  But if I can’t get Mannering to send the notice, it’ll be a deal more trouble.  Hullo, here’s some one else!  This is another pair of boots!’

He had scarcely turned the corner beyond the farm when another man came running down the sloping field, calling to him.  Sir Henry pulled up his horse again.  But his aspect had changed, and his voice took another note.

‘Did you want to speak to me, Adam?  A nice day, isn’t it?’

’I saw you, Sir Henry, from the top of the field, talking to Gregson in the road, and I thought perhaps you’d let me have a few words with you.  You know, sir, this is awfully hard lines.’

Sir Henry looked impatient, but the man who had spoken to him was a fine specimen of young manhood—­broad-shouldered, clear-eyed, with a natural dignity of manner, not at all a person to be brushed aside.

‘I’m sure you can’t defend Gregson, Adam,’ said Sir Henry, ’you—­one of the best farmers in the district!  I wish they had put you on the Inspection Committee.’

‘Well, they didn’t,’ said the other, perhaps with a slight emphasis.  ’And there’s many of us feel, I can assure you, as I do.  Gregson’s a poor creature, but he hasn’t had quite fair play, Sir Henry—­that’s what we feel.  And he’s been fifteen years on his place.’  The man spoke hesitatingly, but strongly.  There was a queer, suppressed hostility in his pleasant blue eyes.

‘Fifteen years too long,’ interrupted Sir Henry.  ’I tell you, Adam, we can’t afford now to let men like Gregson spoil good land while the country’s likely to go hungry!  The old happy-go-lucky days are done with.  I wonder whether even you recognize that we’re fighting for our lives?’

’I know we are, Sir Henry.  But if the war makes slaves of us what good will it do if we do win it?’

Sir Henry laughed.  ’Well, Adam, you were always a Radical and I was always a Conservative.  And I don’t like being managed any more than you do.  But look at the way I’m managed in my business!—­harried up and down by a parcel of young fellows from the Ministry that often seem to me fools!  But we’ve all got to come in.  And this country’s worth it!’

’You know I’m with you there, sir.  But why don’t you get at the Squire himself?  What good have he or his agent ever been to anybody?  You’re a landlord worth living under; but—­’

’Ah! don’t be in too great a hurry, Adam, and you’ll see what you will see!’ And with a pleasant salute, his handsome face twitching between frowns and smiles, Sir Henry rode on.  ’What trade unionists we all are—­high and low!  That man’s as good a farmer as Gregson’s a vile one.  But he stands by his like, as I stand by mine.’

Project Gutenberg
Elizabeth's Campaign from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.