Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 2, May-December, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 2, May-December, 1850.

Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 2, May-December, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 2, May-December, 1850.
Berkeley (Bishop), adventures of Gaudentio di Lucca, 247.
——­ successful experiments, 217. 
Bernardus Patricius, 266. 
Beruchino on Harvey and the circulation of the blood, 287.
——­ on “Never did cardinal bring good to England,” 450. 
Bess of Hardwick, 283. 
Bever’s (Dr. Thomas) Legal Polity of Great Britain, 254. 
B.(F.T.J.) on Inscription from Roma Subterranea, 263.
——­ on Translations of Owen’s Epigram, 460. 
B.(F.H.) on national debt, 408. 
B.G.H. on Pistol and Bardolph, 152. 
B.(G.L.) on whistling wife, 229.
——­ on custom of selling wives, 217. 
B.(G.M.) on Mrs. Partington, 411. 
B.(H.A.) on death of Richard II., 321.
——­ on derivation of orchard, 398. 
Bible and key, 5. 
Bibliographical queries, 323. 374. 421. 449. 492. 
“Bigger the ring the nearer the wet,” 434. 
Bilderdijk, the poet, 311. 349.
——­, wife of, 378. 
Billingsgate, 135. 
Bingham (C.W.) on Christopher Barker’s device, 425.
——­ on Wat the Hare, 349. 
Births, marriages, &c., taxes on, 61. 
Birth, ten children at a, 469. 
Bishops and their precedence, 9. 76. 91. 254. 301. 
B.(J.C.) on Judas Bell, Judas Candle, 452.
——­ on Scotch prisoners at Worcester, 350. 
B.(J.M.) on “Antiquitas saeculi juventus mundi,” 218.
——­ on charming of warts, 181.
——­ on Concolinel, 378.
——­ on Countess of Desmond, 186.
——­ on a deck of cards, 405.
——­ on “Her brow was fair.” 407. 450.
——­ on Laugue Pandras, 376.
——­ on Miching Mallecho, 358.
——­ on Mooney’s Goose, 153.
——­ on Osmund the Waterman, 199.
——­ on Querela Cantabrigiensis, the authorship of, 168. 205.
——­ on snake charming, 511.
——­ on St. Uncumber, 382.
——­ on tobacco in the East, 154.
——­ on Touchstone’s dial, 405.
——­ on “Barum” and “Sarum,” 186. 
B.(J.) on Discursus Modestus, 111.
——­ on Elizabeth and Isabel, 254.
——­ on ciric-ceat or church-scot, 136.
——­ on Poeta Anglicus, 167.
——­ on smoke money, 345
——­ on the Lass of Richmond Hill, 350.
——­ Treastise on Equivocation, 136, 163. 
B.(J.S.) books wanted for reference, 310. 
Black broth coffee. 69. 
Black doll at old store shops, 510. 
Blackguard, 134, 170. 268. 285. 480. 
Blackhal (Father), 421. 
Brackley on story of three men and their bag of money. 132. 
Black Rood of Scotland, 308. 409. 
Blackwall Docks, 451. 
Blew-beer, 246. 
Bloody Baker (Sir Richard, so surnamed), legend of, 67. 
“Bloody hands” at Stoke d’Abernon, Surrey, 507. 
Bliss (James) on annotated copies of Bishop Andrewes’ works, 166.
——­ on Cardinal Allen’s Admonition, 463.
——­ on Discursus Modesius, 158.
——­ on Quotations in Bishop Andrewes’ Tortura Torti, 245. 
Blue Boar Inn.  Holborn, 30. 
B.(N.A.) on Ben Jonson or Ben Johnson, 167.
——­ charm for warts, 150. 
B.(N.) on couplet in De Foe, 310.
——­ on Family of Love, 89.
——­ on India rubber, 165.
Project Gutenberg
Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 2, May-December, 1850 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.