H. on blew beer, 246.
—— cure for warts, 68.
—— on the first mole in Cornwall,
—— on Yorkshire ballads, 478.
H.(A.) on Thomas Rogers of Horninger, 521.
Haberdasher, its etymology, 167. 253.
Harmony, the plant, 88. 141. 173. 410.
Haigh’s (Sir R.) Letter-book, 28.
H.(A.J.) on guineas, 10.
—— on north sides of churchyards
unconsecrated, 126.
Halliwell (J.O.) on Ben Jonson, 238.
—— on meaning of the word “delighted,”
Hamlet (passage in), 494.
Hammack (James T.) on City sanitary laws, 185.
—— on Osnaburgh bishopric, 494.
—— on Stepony ale, 267.
—— on Mrs. Tempest, 484.
Hammond (A.W.) on Andrew Becket, 266.
Hanap, 159.
Hanging out the broom, 208.
Hard by, 424.
Hardwick family, 283.
Harefinder, meaning of, 216. 315.
Harissers, meaning of, 378.
Harvey’s claim to the discovery of the circulation
of the blood, 266. 287.
Hastings (Emmote do), 139.
Hatchment and Atchievement, 266.
Hatfield, consecration of chapel there, 65.
Hats worn by females, 133.
Havock, 215. 270.
H.(A.W.) on meaning of Gradely, 133.
—— on time when Herodotus wrote,
Hawker (R.S.) on burial towards the West, 408.
—— on combs buried with the dead,
—— on north side of churchyards,
Hawkins (Edw.) on Chantrey’s sleeping Children,
—— on medal of Stukeley, 78.
H.(C.) on bands, 126.
—— on Family of Love, 202.
—— on Jewish music, 125.
—— on Luther’s Hymns, 500.
—— on Modum Promissionis, 347.
—— on Morganatic marriage, 125.
—— on ventriloquism, 127.
H.(C.A.), on “She ne’er with trecherous
Kiss,” 138.
H.(E.) on “Gradely,” 334.
H.(E.C.) on Arabic numerals, 413.
—— on Cupid crying, 347.
—— on etymology of apricot, peach,
and nectarine, 410.
—— on meaning of Jezebel, 482. {535}
—— on passage in Gray, 347.
—— on the word “after,”
in the Rubric, 499.
“Heigh ho! says Rowley,” 27.
Henry VIII., authorship of, 198. 401.
“Henry and the nutbrown Maid,” ballad,
Hepburn crest and motto, 217.
Herbert (George), 157. 414.
—— and Bemerton Church, 460.