A.(A.) on solemnization of matrimony, 46.
Admiration, a note of, 86.
Adur, origin of, 71. 108.
AEneas, Silvius, 423.
Aerostation, works on, 199. 251. 269. 285. 317. 380.
Aerostation, squib on Lunardi, 469.
“A Frog he would,” &c., 45. 188.
A.(F.R.) on Dr. Maginn, 109.
—— on the Darby Ram, 285.
—— on “Epistolm Obscururum
Virorum,” 122.
—— on Parse, 522.
—— on Hockey, 238.
—— on the Turkish Spy, 12.
“After” (the word) in the Rubric, 424.
Agapemone, the, 17. 49.
Agincourt, Sir Hilary charged at, 158. 190.
Ague, cure for, 130.
—— spiders, a cure for 258.
Albemarle (Duke and Earl of) 412. 466.
Ale draper, meaning of, 310. 360. 414
Alfred’s Orosius, 177.
Allusion in Friar Brackley’s sermon, 28.
Anderson (W.) on the meaning of Hanger, 266
——, on hatchment and atchievement,
Andrews (Alexander) on strange remedies, 435.
Andrewes (Bishop) works, annotated copies of, 165.
——, quotations in his Tortura Torti,
245. 284. 318.
Apricot, peach and nectarine, etymology of, 420.
Apuleius’ Golden Ass, translation of, 464.
Arabic numerals, 27. 61. 359. 413. 424. 470.
“Arabs in Spain” Conde’s, 279.
Armorials, 247.
Articles on bishops and their precedence, 265.
—— on “Bloody Hanels,”
at Stoke d’Abernon, Surrey, 507.
—— on catacombs and bone-houses,
—— on Caxton’s printing office,
122. 187.
—— on hiring of servants, 157.
—— on north sides of churchards
unconsecrated, 189.
—— on omnibuses, 215.
—— on parish registers tax, 10.
—— on passage from Shaksepare, 236.
—— on strangers in the House of
Commons, 125.
Asher (Jr.) on English comedians in Germany, 187.
Ashes to ashes, 62.
Athelstone’s form of donation, 120.
Aubrey family, 72.
Augustine on epigram on a statue of a French king,
Aurorae, Farquharson’s observations on, 441.
Authors and books, No. 7., 6.
Automachia, or the self-conflict of a Christian, 392.
Avidius varus, 391.
“Away, let nought to love displeasing,”
A.(W.) on the Rolliad, 439.
A.(X.Y.) Folklore, 101.
B. on Book of Homilies, 89.
—— on collar of SS., 89.
—— on derivation of “Yoto”
or “Yeot,” 89.
Bacon Family, origin of the name, 247. 347. 470.
——, to save one’s 424.
Bacon’s Advancement of Learning, 465.
—— (Lord) palaces and garden, 72.
Badger’s legs, 12.
B.(A.E.) on derivation of news, 127.
—— on “Antiquitas culi juventus
mundi,” 395.
—— on Latin epigram, “Laus
tua”, 78.
—— on the meaning of version, 428.
—— on the disputed passage from
the Tempest, 389.
—— on news and noise, 94.
Bailie Nicol Jarvie, 421. 461.
Baker’s dozen, 298.
Baker’s MSS., extracts from, 193.