Woman Suffrage By Federal Constitutional Amendment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 62 pages of information about Woman Suffrage By Federal Constitutional Amendment.

Woman Suffrage By Federal Constitutional Amendment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 62 pages of information about Woman Suffrage By Federal Constitutional Amendment.

The Legislature met but the Governor did not proceed with his proposed investigation.  No explanation was given, but to the onlooker it was clear that one of two reasons, or perhaps both, was the cause of silence on the part of the chief lawmaking body of the state—­either the lifted curtain would reveal “the pot calling the kettle black,” or so extensive and noxious a mass of corruption was known to exist that no means were available for correction of the wrongs perpetrated.

That money was used many women were willing to testify.  For what purpose it was used, who furnished it and who were the actual bribers were questions not so readily answered.  In one city it was reported “that warrants were out after the elect of the city and that this was true in nearly every ward of the city.”  The warrants were based upon the alleged use of money.

Other women poll workers reported that men boldly asked whether they would be paid, and if so, how much.  When they found there was no reward for suffrage votes they scornfully but frankly confessed that they could do better on the other side.  Irregularities were numerous.  The amendment was ordered by the state officials printed on the main ticket, but one county so far disobeyed instructions as to print the amendment on a separate ballot, yet the vote was accepted.  The returns on the amendment were withheld for many days and in several counties for weeks.

A few straws from the election show the way the wind blew in West Virginia.  In only four counties is the per cent, of illiteracy among males of voting age less than 6 per cent.  The returns in these counties are found in the following table: 

========== | Per Cent. | | For | Against | | | Illiteracy | County | Suffrage | Suffrage | | | Voting Age | | Amendment| Amendment| | | Males | | | | | |------------+--------+----------+----------+---------------
----| | 5.5 | Brooke | 1,041 | 907 | Carried | | 5.8 | Morgan | 443 | 1,098 | 2-1/2 to 1 against| | 4.7 | Ohio | 4,513 | 6,014 | 1-1/3 to 1 against| | 5.3 | Wood | 3,260 | 3,960 | 1-1/4 to 1 against| ============================================================

The returns from the five counties having the highest per cent. of illiteracy are as follows: 

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Woman Suffrage By Federal Constitutional Amendment from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.