Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and eBook

James Emerson Tennent
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 892 pages of information about Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and.

Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and eBook

James Emerson Tennent
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 892 pages of information about Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and.
    signatus, _Wlk._
    alboater, _Wlk._
  Cryptorhynchus, _Illig._
    ineffectus, _Wlk._
    assimilans, _Wlk._
    declaratus, _Wlk._
    notabilis, _Wlk._
    vexatus, _Wlk._
  Camptorhinus, _Schoen.?_
    reversus, _Wlk._
    indiscretus, Wlk.
  Desmidophorus, Chevr.
    hebes, Fabr.
    communicans, Wlk.
    strenuus, Wlk.
    discriminans _Wlk._
    inexpertus, _Wlk._
fasciculicollis, Wlk.
  Sipalus, Schoen.
    granulatus, Fabr.
    porosus, Wlk.
    tinctus, Wlk.
  Mecopus, Dalm.
    Waterhousei, _Dohrn._
  Rhynchophorus, _Herbst_.
    ferrugineus, _Fabr._
    introducens, _Wlk._
  Protocerus, _Schoen._
    molossus? _Oliv._
  Sphaenophorus, _Schoen._
    glabridiscus, _Wlk._
    exquisitus, _Wlk._
    Dehaani? _Jek._
    cribricollis, _Wlk._
    ? panops, _Wlk._
  Cossonus, _Clairv._
quadrimacula, Wlk.
    ? hebes, Wlk.
    ambiguus, Sch.?
  Sitophilus, Schoen.
    oryzae, Linn.
    disciferus, Wlk.
  Mecinus, Germ.
    *? relictus, Wlk.

Fam.  PRIONIDAE, Leach
  Trictenotoma, G.H.  Gray
    Templetoni, Westw.
  Prionomma, White.
    orientalis, Oliv.
  Acanthophorus, Serv.
    serraticornis, Oliv.
  Cnemoplites, Newm.
    Rhesus, Motch.
  AEgosoma, Serv.
    Cingalense, White.

  Cerambyx, Linn.
    indutus, Newm.
    vernicosus, Pasc.
    consocius, Pasc.
    versutus, Pasc.
    nitidus, Pasc.
    macilentus, Pasc.
    venustus, Pasc.
    torticollis, Dohrn.
  Sebasmia, Pasc.
    Templetoni, Pasc.
  Callichroma, Lair.
    trogoninum, Pasc.
    telephoroides, Westw.
  Homalomelas, White.
    gracilipes, Parry.
    zonatus, Pasc.
  Colobus, Serv.
    Cingalensis, White
  Thranius, Pasc.
    gibbosus, Pasc.
  Deuteromma, Pasc.
    mutica, Pasc.
  Obrium, Meg.
    laterale, Pasc.
    moestum, Pasc.
  Psilomerus, Blanch.
   macilentus, Pasc.
  Clytus Fabr.
    vicinus, Hope.
    ascendens, Pasc.
    Walkeri, Pasc.
    annularis, Fabr.
    aurilinea, _Dohrn._
  Rhaphuma, _Pasc._
    leucoscutellata, _Hope_. 
  Ceresium, _Newm._
    cretatum, _White_. 
    Zeylanicum, _White._
  Stromatium, _Serv._
    barbatum, _Fabr._
    maculatum, _White._
  Hespherophanes, _Muls._
    simplex, _Gyll._

Project Gutenberg
Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.