helpful for members of the Staff to join in all such
work and in discussions, the aim of it all is likely
to be more fully attained if as much as possible of
the organisation and direction is left to members
of the school. So, too, with the question of
compulsion. Not all have so strong a bent as to
know what they want to do, and sometimes interests
come only by actual experience. It is well, therefore,
to have an understanding that, at certain times, all
must follow some one of the possible occupations; but
the more it can be left to the individual choice,
and the wider the range of choice, the better for
the purpose we have in view. Not all country rambles
need have a definite object, nor all time be actively
filled that might be left for reading. But without
a definite object few will make a habit of walking,
or learn to know and love the country; and not all,
especially where there is a multiplicity of other interests,
will form the habit of reading unless regular times
are set apart for it, times when books must be read
and not merely magazines. How far freedom of
change from one occupation to another is desirable
is largely an individual question. The younger
need to try many things before they can settle down
to one, in order to discover their real interests
and to exercise their faculties. But it is well
to have a strict limit to the number of things that
may be taken up at once, and a fixed length of time
to be given to each before it may be replaced by another.
With the older, this, as a rule, settles itself, on
the one hand by growing interest in one or two directions,
and on the other by the increasing demands of the
school work and approaching examinations. It
is the younger, therefore, who need most encouragement.
In schools where, as said above, there is a long tradition
of such free-time work, there is the less need for
anything beyond suggestions and general supervision.
Yet even in these it is found helpful to have, at
the beginning of the year, talks upon the subject
by some member of the Staff, or an old boy perhaps
who has devoted himself to some particular branch,
in order to explain what can be done and the standard
to be maintained. In several of them prizes are
offered every year, either by the school or by the
Old Scholars’ Association or by individual old
scholars, for good work in many of the categories
mentioned above; these in some schools being the only
prizes given. In some cases they are money prizes,
as in certain kinds of work the tools or materials
used are costly; in others the prizes are not given
to individuals, but in the form of a “trophy”
to the form or “house” that shows up the
best record for the term or year; in others, again,
the need of prizes is not felt, but interest and keenness
to maintain a good standard are kept up by the public
show, held each year, of work done in leisure time.
And, it may be added, a great stimulus in itself is
the wider freedom that can be earned by those who
follow certain branches of study, in the way, for
instance, of expeditions, on foot or by bicycle, to
places where they can be pursued.