The Rocks of Valpre eBook

Ethel May Dell
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 574 pages of information about The Rocks of Valpre.

The Rocks of Valpre eBook

Ethel May Dell
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 574 pages of information about The Rocks of Valpre.

“I do want you, Chris,” he said.

She cast a startled look into his face.  “Oh, but you only say that because—­because—­”

“Because it is the truth,” he said.

“But is it the truth?” she asked, a little wildly.  “Is it?  Is it?  Oh, Trevor, if you knew—­if you knew—­” Her voice failed.  She began to sob.  “I can’t bear it,” she whispered.  “I can’t!  I can’t!” And with that she broke down utterly, bowing her head upon his knee in a passion of weeping more violent than he had ever before witnessed.

“Chris!  Chris!” he said.

He would have lifted her, but she sank lower, as one crushed to the earth by a burden too heavy to be borne.

For a while her weeping was the only sound in the room, but at length he spoke again over her bowed head.

“Chris—­my darling—­do you know—­I can’t bear it either if you cry like this?”

His voice was low and not very steady.  It appealed to her even in the depth of her distress.  She stretched up a trembling hand, and clasped his.

Gradually her sobbing grew less violent, and at length it ceased; but she remained crouched against his knee with her face hidden for many minutes.

Trevor said no more.  Only at last he bent and laid his lips upon her hair.

She moved then sharply, and for a single instant she saw his face.  It was enough, more than enough for her quick heart.  In a moment the barrier between them was down.  She raised herself and threw her arms around his neck.

“My dear!  My dear!” she said.

“It’s all right,” he whispered back.

Her arms tightened.  She clung to him passionately.  “Trevor—­darling, I didn’t know!  I didn’t understand!”

“It’s all right,” he said again.

She pressed her face to his.  “Trevor, don’t fret, dear!  I’m not worth it.  And I—­I’m coming back to you—­if you will have me.”

“I want you,” he answered simply.

“Not just for his sake?” she pleaded.  “Or even for mine?”

“For my own,” he said.

She was silent for a little.  Then impulsively, with something of her old, quick charm of movement, she turned her lips to his.  “Trevor, I believe I should die without you.”

“Poor child!” he said gently.

“No—­no!  Don’t pity me!  Love me—­love me!”

He pressed her closer.  “My Chris, no one ever loved you more.”

“Yes,” she whispered.  “I know that now.  And I shall never forget it.  Trevor, I love you, too.  You believe that?”

“I know it, dear,” he said.

“And because I love you,” she said, “I’m not afraid of you any more.  Trevor, let us promise each other that nothing shall ever come between us again.”

“Nothing ever shall,” he said steadily.

“Nothing ever shall,” she repeated softly.  “And—­and—­Trevor—­” She suddenly hid her face against his shoulder and became silent again.

Project Gutenberg
The Rocks of Valpre from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.