The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1.

The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1.

It is thus that the “rule of the majority” as a political system is established.  It is in essence nothing but the discredited and discreditable principle that “might makes right”; but early in the life of a republic this essential character of government by majority is not seen.  The habit of submitting all questions of policy to the arbitrament of counting noses and assenting without question to the result invests the ordeal with a seeming sanctity, and what was at first obeyed as the command of power comes to be revered as the oracle of wisdom.  The innumerable instances—­such as the famous ones of Galileo and Keeley—­in which one man has been right and all the rest of the race wrong, are overlooked, or their significance missed, and “public opinion” is followed as a divine and infallible guide through every bog into which it blindly stumbles and over every precipice in its fortuitous path.  Clearly, sooner or later will be encountered a bog that will smother or a precipice that will crush.  Thoroughly to apprehend the absurdity of the ancient faith in the wisdom of majorities let the loyal reader try to fancy our gracious Sovereign by any possibility wrong, or his unanimous Ministry by any possibility right!

During the latter half of the “nineteenth century” there arose in the Connected States a political element opposed to all government, which frankly declared its object to be anarchy.  This astonishing heresy was not of indigenous growth:  its seeds were imported from Europe by the emigration or banishment thence of criminals congenitally incapable of understanding and valuing the blessings of monarchical institutions, and whose method of protest was murder.  The governments against which they conspired in their native lands were too strong in authority and too enlightened in policy for them to overthrow.  Hundreds of them were put to death, thousands imprisoned and sent into exile.  But in America, whither those who escaped fled for safety, they found conditions entirely favorable to the prosecution of their designs.

A revered fetish of the Americans was “freedom of speech”:  it was believed that if bad men were permitted to proclaim their evil wishes they would go no further in the direction of executing them—­that if they might say what they would like to do they would not care to do it.  The close relation between speech and action was not understood.  Because the Americans themselves had long been accustomed, in their own political debates and discussions, to the use of unmeaning declamations and threats which they had no intention of executing, they reasoned that others were like them, and attributed to the menaces of these desperate and earnest outcasts no greater importance than to their own.  They thought also that the foreign anarchists, having exchanged the tyranny of kings for that of majorities, would be content with their new and better lot and become in time good and law-abiding citizens.

Project Gutenberg
The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.