Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 5, 1891 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 42 pages of information about Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 5, 1891.

Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 5, 1891 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 42 pages of information about Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 5, 1891.

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["Mr. Ritchie ... has taken the unusual step of preparing a memorandum explanatory of ... the Public Health (London) Act, which comes into operation on the 1st of January ...  The Vestries and District Councils ... have come out with increased powers, but also with increased responsibilities.  They are in future known as ‘the sanitary authorities’; they must make bye-laws, and enforce not only their own, but those made by the County Council; and, if they fail in their duty—­as, for example, in the matter of removing house-refuse, or keeping the streets clean—­they are liable to a fine.  It is pleasant to think that, in future, any ratepayer may bring Mr. Bumble to book.”—­The Times.]

[Illustration:  President of the Local Government Board.  “THERE’S MR. BUMBLE’S WORK, MADAM, AND IT’LL BE YOUR OWN FAULT IF YOU DON’T KEEP HIM UP TO IT!”]

Bumble.  Wot, more dooties piled upon me?  It’s a beastly black shame
      and a bore. 
  Which Ritchie beats Oliver Twist in a canter at “asking for more.” 
  Didn’t grasp his dashed Hact, not at fust, though of course I opposed
      it like fun;
  But this ’ere Memyrandum’s a startler. I want to know what’s to be done.
  Me keep the streets clean, me go poking my dalicot nose into ’oles
  As ain’t fit for ‘ogs, but is kep’ for them Sweaters’ pale wictims—­pore
  Me see that the dust-pails is emptied, and underground bedrooms made
  Me nail the Court Notices hup upon Butchers as deals in bad meat? 
  Great Scissors, it’s somethink houtrageous.  I knew Ritchie’s Act meant
      ’ard lines,
  And it’s wus than I could ’ave emagined.  But wot I funk most is them
  Fine Me—­if I make a mistake, as, perhaps, even BUMBLE may do! 
  That is turning the tables a twister!  More powers?  Ah, well, that
      might do,
  But increase my great “Responsibilities,” give them Ratepayers a chance
  Of a calling me hover the coals!  Won’t this make my hold henemies dance? 
  I never did like that HYGEIA, a pompous and nose-poking minx—­
  A sort of a female Poll Pry, with a heye like an ’ork or a lynx;
  But the making me “Sanit’ry,” too—­oh, I know wot that means to a T.
  She’s cock—­or say, hen—­of the walk, and her sanit’ry slave’ll be Me! 
  Oh, I fancy I see myself sweeping the snow from the streets with a broom,
  Or explorin’—­with fingers to nose—­some effluvious hunderground room! 
  Or a-trotting around with the dust-pails when scavengers chance to run
  Oh, just won’t the street-boys chyike me and ’ousemaids of BUMBLE make
  Disgustin’!  But there RITCHIE stands with his dashed Memyrandum.  A look
  In his heye seems to tell me that he too

Project Gutenberg
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 5, 1891 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.