The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about The Library of Work and Play.

The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about The Library of Work and Play.

After bulbs are through blooming let the blossom dry thoroughly and the leaves get yellow and dry.  One need not keep these homely looking plants in the living room in plain sight.  Put them away down cellar to finish drying out.  Then cut the leaves and blossoms off to one inch of the bulb itself.  Take bulb out of pot, shake all dirt off, and dry thoroughly.  These may be put into paper bags and hung up in a dry place or just packed in a pasteboard box.  These indoor bulbs may be planted outdoors in the fall.  They will do better for the change.  Indoor bulb culture means forcing, a hard strain and demand on a bulb.  Outdoor planting gives a long winter’s rest, not entire rest, to be sure, but the growth during the winter is slow.

List of bulbs by colours

White flowers
--------- name |depth |outdoor|indoor |height |special points | to | | | | |plant |bloom |bloom | | ---------+-------+-------+---------+-------+----------------
--------- Snowdrop 2 in.  March Christmas 3-4 in.  Earliest of spring flowers.  Likes cool and shady spots Crocus 2 in. " " 3-5 in.  Buy Crocus biflorus. var. argenteus White 3-4 in.  April January 10 in.  Increases very crowned rapidly daffodils
Poet’s    3-4 in.    May      "      12 in.   Excellent for
narcissus                                    outdoor work
Grape     3 in.      March    "      4-6 in.   Plant in shady
hyacinth                                      places in the lawn
Bell- 3 in.  May Christmas 12 in.  Poet’s narcissus
flowered and this scilla
scilla planted together

                                                                                  bloom at same time

Star of   3 in.      "               12 in.   Most satisfactory
Bethlehem                                     for bloom

Tulips 4 in.  April January 6-12 in.  Try Duc Van Thol
and d’Immaculee

Hyacinths 5 in. " " 6-12 in.  Plant Baroness Van
Thuyl, very large
and very early

Yellow flowers

Project Gutenberg
The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.