The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about The Library of Work and Play.

The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about The Library of Work and Play.

Larkspur Blue 4 ft.  Good for borders and backgrounds. 
The finest of blue flowers.

Sweet Different 2 ft.  A self sewing perennial.  Bright
William colours.  Good for massing.  Sweet
and constant bloomer.

Baby’s       White     3 ft.    Grows in rocky soil.  Use for formal
Breath                         bouquets.
Butterfly    Orange    2 ft.    Likes full sunlight and dry soil.  Fine
Weed                           colour effect.

Perennial Different 2-5 ft.  Good for borders and cut flowers. 
Spiked Pink 3 ft.  Belongs in wet swamp lands.  Will
Loosestrife grow in borders.

Hollyhock Different 6 ft.  Use for backgrounds and borders.

-------------- August
Aster, New   Blue      4 ft.    Grows in any soil.  The best of tall
England                        asters.

Golden Glow Yellow 6 ft.  Grows in any soil and spreads rapidly. 
Good background.

Japanese     White     Climber Rapid flowering vine.  Use on trellis. 
Clematis                       Sweet flowers.

Sunflower Yellow 6 ft.  Fine for backgrounds and screens. 
Any dry soil.

Turtle Head  Rose      2 ft.    Flowers on spikes.  Any soil, but wet
Purple             preferred.
-------------- September
Hardy        White     6 ft.    Blooms till frost.  Blossom heads
Hydrangea                      effective.

Japanese Carmine 3 ft.  Good border plant.  Blossoms last
Anemone till frost.

-------------- WATER AND BOG PLANTS ------------------------------------------------------------
--------- COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME SPECIAL POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------
--------- Arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia One of the most popular water plants.  Spreads badly.

    Arum (water) Calla palustris Popular water plant.  Grows
                                             less than 1 ft. high.  Blooms
                                             in June.

Blue Flag Iris versicolor Grows from 2-3 ft. high.  Grows
in bogs and gardens.

Cat-tail Typha latifolia Grows to 8 ft. or more.  Spreads

Floating Heart Limnanthemum Grows less than 1 ft. high.
Good plant for a pond. 
Spreads readily.

Forget-me-not Myosotis Palustris Grows less than 1 ft. high. 
Prefers half-shady places.

Project Gutenberg
The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.