brother after, 36.
Tragedy of Richard III. 325. Transportation of letters, 184. 293. 422. Translation of AElian, 267. Translation of the Seriptures, MSS. of 366. Travelling of old, in England, 87. 145. 167. 290. ——hand bills, 146. —— in 1590, 460. Treatise on Art and Nature, J.B.’s, 401. 458. Trunck breeches, 362. 384. 445. 439. Tub. tale of a, 326. Tureen, origin of, 246. 307. 340. 407. 455. “Turkish Spy,” who translated it. 334. Turnbull (W.B.D.D.), on Scutter’s Atlas Novus. 156 Turner’s Ms. History of Westminster, 140. Turner’s (T. Hudson), on beaver hats, 255. —— on Pisan, 266. —— on Moneta Santae Helenae, 101. Turnstile Lane, Holborn, 244. T.(W.C.), on public libraries, 391. Twm Shawn Cattie, 383. 455. 456. 489. Two noble kinsmen, 138. Twysden, MSS. of Sir Hoger, 76. 282. Tyburn gallows, 180. Tyndale, 303. Typographical Antiquities by Dibdin, 56.
Ulrich of Hutten, portraits of, 336.
Umbrellas, when were they introduced into England,
“Under the rose,” 214.
Unlaed, the Anglo-Saxon word, 430.
Urbanus Regius, 367. 419.
Use of coffins, 321.
V. on Cromwell’s estates, 389. 277.
—— on El Buscapie, 206.
—— on muffins, 205.
—— on serpents’ eggs and straw
necklaces, 24.
—— on travelling in England, 68.
Van Voorst’s Polyglot edition of Gray’s
Elegy, 150.
Vagabonds, fraternitye of, 183. 220.
Vanbrugh’s London improvements, 142.
Vaux on origin of Grog, 52.
V.(E.), on ancedote of Charles the First 437.
—— on Arabic numerals, 230.
—— on Christmas hymn, 201.
—— on college salting, 306.
—— on a curious monumental brass,
—— on Dutch language, 383.
—— on feast of St. Michael and All
Angels, 235.
—— on Latin verse, 215.
—— on ordination pledges, 235.
—— on Pusan Iklynton collar, 400.
—— on Tower Royal, 116.
—— on watching the sepulchre, 403.
Venator on Sir Stephen Fox. 250.