T. on Bishop Burnet, 181. —— on
bone houses, 221. —— on burning
the dead, 216. —— on Pedlar’s
song attributed to Shakespere, 23. ——
on MSS. of Casaubon, 422. —— on
the word Rococo, 321. —— on Woolton’s
Christian Manual, 399. T.(A.) on Discurs Modest,
142. —— on Rev. Thomas Leman, 59.
Table book, 215. Tablet to Napoleon, 406. 461.
Tace Latin for a candle, 385. Tacitus and Byron,
390. Tale of a rub, 326. Talisman, Charlemagne’s,
140. 187. Taming of a Shrew, play of, 194. 227.
245. Tandem, 382. Tapestry, ancient, 43.
68. Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, 196.
Taylor (Jeremy), MSS. sermons by, 125. ——
reprint of his works, 483. Taylor (Dr. John)
of Shrewsbury and
Shrewsbury school, 466.
Telescopes, Rev. J. Edwards on metal for,
174. 206.
Temple, the, or a temple, 335. 420. Temple Stanyan,
460. Tempora mutantur, 234. 419. Teneber
Wednesday, 459. Tenements, Old Auster, 217. 307.
Tennison’s funeral sermon on Nell Bwynne, 28.
{509} Ten queries concerning poets and poetry, 302.
T.(E.S.), numismatic queries, 468. T.(E.S.),
on “Shuck,” the dog-fiend, 468. ——
on Sir Thomas Boleyn’s spectre, 468. ——
on ancient church plate, 73. Theophania, 174.
Theory of Vision (Berkeley’s) vindicated,
107. 131. on devices on standards
of the Anglo-Saxons,
—— on MSS. of Locke, 461. ——
on religious tract by F. H., 460. Theses, bibliography
of, 401. 461. Thistle of Scotland, 24. 90.
Thomas a Becket, mother of. 415. Thomas (S.L.)
of Lancaster, 181. 284. Thomlinson (Rev. Dr.),
Query relating to,
Thomas (William I.), “Pray remember the
grotto.” 5.
—— on white gloves at a maiden assize,
72. —— sonnets by, 200. 222. ——
on metrical charma, 229. —— weather
proverb, 413. Thornhill (Sir J.), pocket-book
of, 123. Thorpe (B.), on AElfire’s Colloquy,
232. Thoulouse, inquisition of, 10. Three
balls of pawnbrokers, 42. Throwing old shoes
at a wedding, 468. Thynne’s collection
of chancellors, 60. Tickhill, “God help
me,” 240. 325. 482. Tilbury, aboriginal
chambers near, 453. Tiles, ancient, 173. 419.
Times, when first established, 7. 75. Times,
Herald, Chronicle, when first established, 75.
Times paper, history of, 36. Titles of
honour, 351. T.(J.) on Antony Alsop, 259. ——
on Bishop Barnabv, 132. —— on catacombs
and bone-houses, 210. —— on curious
custom, 245. T.(J.M.), on Madoe’s emigration
to America, 136. 236. Todd (Rev. James H.), on
ancient libraries, 83. —— on Berkeley’s
Theory of Vision vindicated, 130. ——
on cromlech, 319. —— on etymology
of Armagh, 254. —— on reheting,
rehetours, &c., 155. Todd (Dr. Hugh), MSS. formerly
belonging to, 246. 282. 340. To endeavour oneself,
285. Tom Brown, lines attributed to, 372.
Tomlinson of Southwingfield, Derbyahire, 215.
Toothache, charm for the, 429. Topography of
foreign printing presses, 277. 340. Totness,
etymology of, 470. Tottenham Street 150.