N. on reinerius Saccho, 205. ——
on Bohn’s edition of Milton’s prose works,
481. —— on busts of James I. and
Charles I.,
and ancient tapestry, 43.
—— on discours modest, 205. ——
on Dr. Sam. Parr, and Dr. John Taylor
of Shrewsbury school, 467.
—— on Katherine Pegg, 91. ——
on Rev. T. Leman, 91. —— on William
Godwin, 415. N.(A.), Minar’s Books of Antiquities,
277. —— on reheting and rehetours,
279. —— on William Baxter, 285.
Nagahead, Cheapside, 410. Name (change of), 246.
337. Names of towns (Latin), 402. Napoleon,
tablet to, 262. 406. 461. Nares on Scarborough
warning, 138. Nash’s terrors of the night,
400. 455. Naso on Cock Lane, 244. ——
on Mary-le-bone Gardens, 383. ——
on the Norman crusades, 103. ——
on the Times, 136. Nat Lee’s certificate,
149. Nathan on the ecclesiastical year, 381.
—— on “Vox et praeterea nihil,”
387. N.(B.) on the lobster in the medal of the
pretender, 167.
—— on Richard Green of Lichfield,
167. —— on Thistle of Scotland,
166. Nec pluribus impar, 422. N.(E.L.)
on the Koran by Sterne, 216. Nell Gwynne, Tennison’s
funeral sermon
on, 28.
Nelson’s brother, letters of immediately
after the battle of Trafalgar,
Nemo, Christ’s hospital, old songs once
popular there, 318.
—— on the Memoirs of an American
Lady, 335. —— what is the meaning
of complexion, 352. —— query as
to the author of Literary
Leisure, 352.
Never (Peter Le) original letter of, 451. New
Star of the North, did Oliver Cromwell
write it, 202.
New Year’s Day custom, 214. Newcastle
House, 436. New Exchange, 451. “News,”
origin of the word, 270. 369. 487. Nightingale
(B.) medal of the pretender, 58. Nine of diamonds,
why and when called the
curse of Scotland, 61. 90.
N.(J.E.) on John Stowe, 297. N.(J.G.) on Constantine
the artist, 452. —— on Josias Ibach,
Stada, 452. —— on the Master of
the Revels, 158. Nomade, 302. 309. Norman
crusader, the, 103. Norman pedigrees, 214. 266.
Norris on Gowghe’s Dore of Holy Scripture, 205.
Northman on Martin the Louvain printer, 373. ——
on Portugal, 246. —— why are North
American aborigines
called Indians, 254.
Nosce Teipsum, an exception, Epigram, 591. Note
on Herodotus, by Dean Swift, 350. ——
on Cold Harbour, 60. Notes on authors and books,
42. —— on the Dodo, 410. ——
from fly leaves, No. 1. 9; No. 2. 28.; No. 3. 39; No.
4. 164; No. 5.
211; No. 6. 227.
—— method of keeping them, 104.
—— unpon notes No. 1. 19. ——
query as to, 43. —— value of a repository
for, 8. —— upon books, sales, catalogues,
&c. in
every number.
—— to correspondents, in every
number. Noval a recent one, 231. 285.
Novus on compendyous Olde Treatyse, 404. ——
on Tracts, by F.H. 490. —— on Walter
Lynne, 474. —— on Woolton’s
Christian manual, 490. Nudd (Gwynn ab), on Merry
Lwyd, 315. Numismatic queries, 468. Nursery
games and Rhymes, 401.