The White Morning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about The White Morning.
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The White Morning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about The White Morning.

“Indeed, yes.”

“And of course my wife must be of good birth, as good as my own.  I should never dream of marrying even a Venus in this Bohemian class.  That sort of thing is all very well—­” He waved his hand, and arched an eyebrow, and Gisela inferred she was to take quite a number of amours for granted; much, for instance, as she would those of a handsome officer who sat alone at the next table and who looked infinitely bored with love and longing for war.

“She must—­it goes without saying—­be intellectual, clever, bright, amusing.  I must have companionship.  Not an artist, however.  I should never permit my wife to write or model or sing for the public.  And she must have the social talent, magnetism, the power to charm whom she will.  That would help me infinitely in my career.”

“Is that all?”

“Oh, she must be affectionate and a good housekeeper, but most German women have the domestic virtues.  Naturally, she must have perfect health.  I detest women with nerves and moods.”

Gisela had been leaning forward, her elbows on the table, her little square chin on her hands, and if there were wondering contempt in her eyes he saw only their brilliance and fixed regard.

“And what, may I ask, do you purpose to give her in return for all that?”

He flicked the ashes from his cigarette, and the gesture was quite without affectation.  “What has that to do with it?”

“Well—­only—­you think, then, that in return for all—­but all!—­that a woman has to offer a man—­any man—­you should not feel yourself bound to give her an equal measure in return?”

“I have not given the matter a thought.  Naturally the woman I select will see all in me that I see in her.  Shall we get out of this?  I feel I have taken a cold.  Fresh air is a drastic but efficient corrective.”

He escorted her to her hotel, although he gazed longingly down his own street as they passed it.  His head felt overburdened and it was awkward manipulating a handkerchief with mitts.

Within half a block of the hotel Gisela, who had been walking rapidly, bending a little against the wind, paused and drew herself up to her stately height.  Cold as he was he thrilled slightly as he reflected that she possessed real distinction; almost she might be hochwohlgeboren—­yes, quite.  He tingled less agreeably as he recalled a snub administered by a great lady with whom he had presumed to attempt conversation at the house of a liberal little Russian baroness.  This woman would snub any hochwohlgeboren who presumed to snub him in the future.

“Herr Zottmyer,” said Gisela, and her tones were as crisp as the air blowing down from the Alps, “you must permit me to give you a note of introduction to my mother when you go to Berlin next week.  I hope you will find time to call on her.”

Zottmyer’s eyes snapped at this covert encouragement, although it was rather forward in a German girl practically to ask a man his intentions.  “I shall be delighted to call on Frau Doermer—­”

Project Gutenberg
The White Morning from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.