Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 979 pages of information about Russia.

Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 979 pages of information about Russia.

It must be admitted that the Russian people are in a certain sense religions.  They go regularly to church on Sundays and holy-days, cross themselves repeatedly when they pass a church or Icon, take the Holy Communion at stated seasons, rigorously abstain from animal food—­not only on Wednesdays and Fridays, but also during Lent and the other long fasts—­make occasional pilgrimages to holy shrines, and, in a word, fulfil punctiliously the ceremonial observances which they suppose necessary for salvation.  But here their religiousness ends.  They are generally profoundly ignorant of religious doctrine, and know little or nothing of Holy Writ.  A peasant, it is said, was once asked by a priest if he could name the three Persons of the Trinity, and replied without a moment’s hesitation, “How can one not know that, Batushka?  Of course it is the Saviour, the Mother of God, and Saint Nicholas the miracle-worker!”

That answer represents fairly enough the theological attainments of a very large section of the peasantry.  The anecdote is so often repeated that it is probably an invention, but it is not a calumny of theology and of what Protestants term the “inner religious life” the orthodox Russian peasant—­of Dissenters, to whom these remarks do not apply, if shall speak later—­has no conception.  For him the ceremonial part of religion suffices, and he has the most unbounded, childlike confidence in the saving efficacy of the rites which he practises.  If he has been baptised in infancy, has regularly observed the fasts, has annually partaken of the Holy Communion, and has just confessed and received extreme unction, he feels death approach with the most perfect tranquillity.  He is tormented with no doubts as to the efficacy of faith or works, and has no fears that his past life may possibly have rendered him unfit for eternal felicity.  Like a man in a sinking ship who has buckled on his life-preserver, he feels perfectly secure.  With no fear for the future and little regret for the present or the past, he awaits calmly the dread summons, and dies with a resignation which a Stoic philosopher might envy.

In the above paragraph I have used the word Icon, and perhaps the reader may not clearly understand the word.  Let me explain then, briefly, what an Icon is—­a very necessary explanation, for the Icons play an important part in the religious observances of the Russian people.

Icons are pictorial, usually half-length, representations of the Saviour, of the Madonna, or of a saint, executed in archaic Byzantine style, on a yellow or gold ground, and varying in size from a square inch to several square feet.  Very often the whole picture, with the exception of the face and hands of the figure, is covered with a metal plaque, embossed so as to represent the form of the figure and the drapery.  When this plaque is not used, the crown and costume are often adorned with pearls and other precious stones—­sometimes of great price.

Project Gutenberg
Russia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.