the report to the judges. Of course the judges,
if they had no personal interest in the decision,
accepted the secretary’s view of the case.
If they did not, all the preliminary work had to be
done anew by themselves—a task that few
judges were able, and still fewer willing, to perform.
Thus the decision lay virtually in the hands of the
secretary and the minor officials, and in general neither
the secretary nor the minor officials were fit persons
to have such power. There is no need to detail
here the ingenious expedients by which they increased
their meagre salaries, and how they generally contrived
to extract money from both parties.* Suffice it to
say that in general the chancelleries of the courts
were dens of pettifogging rascality, and the habitual,
unblushing bribery had a negative as well as a positive
effect. If a person accused of some crime had
no money wherewith to grease the palm of the secretary
he might remain in prison for years without being
brought to trial. A well-known Russian writer
still living relates that when visiting a prison in
the province of Nizhni-Novgorod he found among the
inmates undergoing preliminary arrest two peasant women,
who were accused of setting fire to a hayrick to revenge
themselves on a landed proprietor, a crime for which
the legal punishment was from four to eight months’
imprisonment. One of them had a son of seven years
of age, and the other a son of twelve, both of whom
had been born in the prison, and had lived there ever
since among the criminals. Such a long preliminary
arrest caused no surprise or indignation among those
who heard of it, because it was quite a common occurrence.
Every one knew that bribes were taken not only by
the secretary and his scribes, but also by the judges,
who were elected by the local Noblesse from its own
* Old book-catalogues sometimes mention
a play bearing the significant title, “The
Unheard-of Wonder; or, The Honest Secretary”
(Neslykhannoe Dyelo ili Tchestny Sekretar). I
have never seen this curious production, but I
have no doubt that it referred to the peculiarities
of the old judicial procedure.
With regard to the scale of punishments, notwithstanding
some humanitarian principles in the legislation, they
were very severe, and corporal punishment played amongst
them a disagreeably prominent part. Capital sentences
were abolished as early as 1753-54, but castigation
with the knout, which often ended fatally, continued
until 1845, when it was replaced by flogging in the
civil administration, though retained for the military
and for insubordinate convicts. For the non-privileged
classes the knout or the lash supplemented nearly all
punishments of a criminal kind. When a man was
condemned, for example, to penal servitude, he received
publicly from thirty to one hundred lashes, and was
then branded on the forehead and cheeks with the letters
K. A. T.—the first three letters of katorzhnik
(convict). If he appealed he received his lashes
all the same, and if his appeal was rejected by the
Senate he received some more castigation for having
troubled unnecessarily the higher judicial authorities.
For the military and insubordinate convicts there
was a barbarous punishment called Spitsruten, to the
extent of 5,000 or 6,000 blows, which often ended in
the death of the unfortunate.