Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 979 pages of information about Russia.

Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 979 pages of information about Russia.

Of course this undefined right is commonly nothing more than a mere tacit understanding, but in certain cases the subject is expressly mentioned.  I know of one case in which a regular bargain was made.  A Moscow magnate was invited by a merchant to a dinner, and consented to go in full uniform, with all his decorations, on condition that the merchant should subscribe a certain sum to a benevolent institution in which he was particularly interested.  It is whispered that such bargains are sometimes made, not on behalf of benevolent institutions, but simply in the interest of the gentleman who accepts the invitation.  I cannot believe that there are many official personages who would consent to let themselves out as table decorations, but that it may happen is proved by the following incident, which accidentally came to my knowledge.  A rich merchant of the town of T——­ once requested the Governor of the Province to honour a family festivity with his presence, and added that he would consider it a special favour if the “Governoress” would enter an appearance.  To this latter request his Excellency made many objections, and at last let the petitioner understand that her Excellency could not possibly be present, because she had no velvet dress that could bear comparison with those of several merchants’ wives in the town.  Two days after the interview a piece of the finest velvet that could be procured in Moscow was received by the Governor from an unknown donor, and his wife was thus enabled to be present at the festivity, to the complete satisfaction of all parties concerned.

It is worthy of remark that the merchants recognise no aristocracy but that of official rank.  Many merchants would willingly give twenty pounds for the presence of an “actual State Councillor” who perhaps never heard of his grandfather, but who can show a grand cordon; whilst they would not give twenty pence for the presence of an undecorated Prince without official rank, though he might be able to trace his pedigree up to the half-mythical Rurik.  Of the latter they would probably say, “Kto ikh znact?” (Who knows what sort of a fellow he is?) The former, on the contrary, whoever his father and grandfather may have been, possesses unmistakable marks of the Tsar’s favour, which, in the merchant’s opinion, is infinitely more important than any rights or pretensions founded on hereditary titles or long pedigrees.

Some marks of Imperial favour the old-fashioned merchants strive to obtain for themselves.  They do not dream of grand cordons—­that is far beyond their most sanguine expectations—­but they do all in their power to obtain those lesser decorations which are granted to the mercantile class.  For this purpose the most common expedient is a liberal subscription to some benevolent institution, and occasionally a regular bargain is made.  I know of at least one instance where the kind of decoration was expressly stipulated.  The affair illustrates so well the

Project Gutenberg
Russia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.