St. Hilary, 171.
St. Isidore, 62.
St. Jerome, 49, 145, 171, 224.
St. John Chrysostom, 49, 51, 52.
St. Joseph, represented as a carpenter, 139.
St. Justin, 45.
St. Justin Martyn, 49.
St. Lucian, 45.
St. Luke, 82.
St. Luke, doubtful meaning of a verse in, 168.
interpretation of a doubtful verse in, 168, 171.
St. Macharius, 223.
St. Matthew, 38, 47.
St. Pachomius, 223.
St. Paul, 137.
attitude to private property and communism, 48.
on possession, cited by St. Augustine, 60.
teaching on slavery, 89.
followed by Christian teachers, 90.
St. Peter, 46.
teaching on slavery, 89.
St. Peter Damian, 83.
St. Thomas, see Thomas Aquinas.
Sale, Roman law as applied to, 104.
Thomas Aquinas on, 38.
treatment by fifteenth-century writers, 18.
Sales, analogy between loans and, 182.
Salvador, 48.
Salvian, 55.
Sapphira, 46, 52.
Saturnus, result of banishment from heaven, 56.
Saving, an act of liberality, 72 et seq.
Scherer, 146.
Scotus, Duns, see Duns.
Scotus Erigenus, 14.
Semaine Sociale de France, La, 49, 62, 68, 104, 111.
Seneca, 59, 89, 90.
view of usury, 163.
Serfdom, 99.
Sertillanges, 80.
Servus, St. Augustine’s theory of origin, 93.
Sevona, montes pietatis at, 196.
Sicily, personal rent charges permitted in, 205.
Sidgwick, Professor Henry, 29, 31.
Sinigaglia, 225.
Sixtus V., Pope, condemnation of trinus contractus, 211.
Slater, Father, 109, 128, 129, 130.
Slavery, analogy with property, 97.
attitude of Christianity to, 88.
limits of master’s rights, 100.
three kinds of, 99.
views of Christian Church and philosophers reconciled by
Aquinas, 93 et seq.
Smith, Adam, 29.
Societas, 206, 207, 210, 213.
Socialism, as providing an ethical basis of society, 31.
danger of, 32.
relation of its economic teaching to Christianity, 33.
Socialists, claim to authority of the early Christians, 49 et seq.
attempts to construct Utopia, 228.
their communism not the ‘community of user’ advocated by
scholastics, 86.
their interpretations of St. Augustine, 58.
their main principles, 230.
their philosophy at variance with Christianity, 231.
their principles not derived from mediaeval teaching, 230.
their view of the Church’s teaching on usury, 198.
Socius stans, 207.
Solon, laws of, as affecting usury, 160.
Songe du Vergier, 225.
Stagyrite, the, see Aristotle.
Stoic tradition, the, 58.
Stoicism, inferiority to Christian teaching on slavery, 89.
Stoics, the, 93.
Stintzing, 20.
Sudre, 47, 48.
Summa Angelica, 186.
Astesana, 186.
Pisana, 156.
Superabundance, relativity of, 75.
St. Isidore, 62.
St. Jerome, 49, 145, 171, 224.
St. John Chrysostom, 49, 51, 52.
St. Joseph, represented as a carpenter, 139.
St. Justin, 45.
St. Justin Martyn, 49.
St. Lucian, 45.
St. Luke, 82.
St. Luke, doubtful meaning of a verse in, 168.
interpretation of a doubtful verse in, 168, 171.
St. Macharius, 223.
St. Matthew, 38, 47.
St. Pachomius, 223.
St. Paul, 137.
attitude to private property and communism, 48.
on possession, cited by St. Augustine, 60.
teaching on slavery, 89.
followed by Christian teachers, 90.
St. Peter, 46.
teaching on slavery, 89.
St. Peter Damian, 83.
St. Thomas, see Thomas Aquinas.
Sale, Roman law as applied to, 104.
Thomas Aquinas on, 38.
treatment by fifteenth-century writers, 18.
Sales, analogy between loans and, 182.
Salvador, 48.
Salvian, 55.
Sapphira, 46, 52.
Saturnus, result of banishment from heaven, 56.
Saving, an act of liberality, 72 et seq.
Scherer, 146.
Scotus, Duns, see Duns.
Scotus Erigenus, 14.
Semaine Sociale de France, La, 49, 62, 68, 104, 111.
Seneca, 59, 89, 90.
view of usury, 163.
Serfdom, 99.
Sertillanges, 80.
Servus, St. Augustine’s theory of origin, 93.
Sevona, montes pietatis at, 196.
Sicily, personal rent charges permitted in, 205.
Sidgwick, Professor Henry, 29, 31.
Sinigaglia, 225.
Sixtus V., Pope, condemnation of trinus contractus, 211.
Slater, Father, 109, 128, 129, 130.
Slavery, analogy with property, 97.
attitude of Christianity to, 88.
limits of master’s rights, 100.
three kinds of, 99.
views of Christian Church and philosophers reconciled by
Aquinas, 93 et seq.
Smith, Adam, 29.
Societas, 206, 207, 210, 213.
Socialism, as providing an ethical basis of society, 31.
danger of, 32.
relation of its economic teaching to Christianity, 33.
Socialists, claim to authority of the early Christians, 49 et seq.
attempts to construct Utopia, 228.
their communism not the ‘community of user’ advocated by
scholastics, 86.
their interpretations of St. Augustine, 58.
their main principles, 230.
their philosophy at variance with Christianity, 231.
their principles not derived from mediaeval teaching, 230.
their view of the Church’s teaching on usury, 198.
Socius stans, 207.
Solon, laws of, as affecting usury, 160.
Songe du Vergier, 225.
Stagyrite, the, see Aristotle.
Stoic tradition, the, 58.
Stoicism, inferiority to Christian teaching on slavery, 89.
Stoics, the, 93.
Stintzing, 20.
Sudre, 47, 48.
Summa Angelica, 186.
Astesana, 186.
Pisana, 156.
Superabundance, relativity of, 75.