the sovereign’s power in relation to, 219.
treatment of, by Isidore of Seville, 15.
utility of, as treated by Aristotle, 16.
variations in value of, 216 et seq.
value of, not to be changed unnecessarily, 219.
Monopolies, mediaeval views on, 124. Montes pietatis, 194.
attitude of the Church to, 197.
controversy over interest charged by, 196.
Montes profani, 195 et seq. Moral theology, 130. Morality, economic, in the Middle Ages, 10. More, Sir Thomas, 48. Mosheim, 44. Munificence, duty of, 77. Mutuum, 202, 210, 213, 214.
nature of, 178, 183.
risk involved in, 192.
Natural rights, distinction between absolute
and commensurate
in slavery, 95.
Navarrus, 190.
Necessaries, two kinds distinguished by
Thomas Aquinas, 83.
Neumann, 182.
New Testament, the, 176.
cited in support
of prohibition of usury, 174.
Nice, Council of, on usury, 169, 170.
Nicholas v., Pope, bull on personal rent
charges, 205.
Nider, 39, 110, 118, 134, 150, 181, 193.
Nitti, F.S., 43, 69.
Noel, Conrad, 49.
Numa, as origin of ‘nummi,’
Occupancy, as title to property, 65.
Old Testament, the, 176.
attitude to usury,
163, 165.
cited in support
of prohibition of usury, 174.
Oresme, Nicholas, 143, 215, 216, 219.
his influence,
his work on money,
214, 217 et seq.
Origen, 45.
Orvieto, first montes pietatis
started at, 196.
Ownership, see Property.
Padua, montes pietatis at, 196.
Palgrave, 30, 105, 112, 135, 212.
Parma, montes pietatis at, 196.
Partnership, division of remuneration,
scholastic teaching on, 202,
205 et seq.
the two kinds of, 209.
Parvificentia, a sin, 77, 78.
Patria, potestas, 226.
Pelagius, views condemned by Council,
A.D. 415, 61.
Pennafort, Raymond de, 27, 149.
Periculum sortis, 191, 192, 212.
Perin, 183, 226.
Perugia, montes pietatis at, 196.
Philip the Fair, his method of increasing
the revenue, 216.
Philosophers, the, their condemnation
of usury, 161.
Pigonneau, 146.
Plato, his objection to usury, 161.
Plutarch, attitude to usury, 163.
Poena conventionalis, 185.
difference from
interest, 186.
Political economy, errors of classical
school, 8.
difference between
mediaeval and modern methods, 6.
Pope, the, his denunciation of Philip
the Fair, 216.
the spiritual
vicar of God, 10.
Popes, the, and almsgiving, 69.
pronouncements by, on rent,
their protection of montes
pietatis, 197.
Population, mediaeval attitude to, 224.
Poverty, as the cause of sin, 78.
Prescription, as title to property, 65.