Diocletian rescript, regarding sales, 104.
Distribution, just, the aim of mediaeval teaching, 223.
need for just, 31, 227.
regulation of, 32.
Dominicans, the, 195, 196.
Dominium eminens of the State, 69.
Donatus, 14.
Dublin Review, The, 43.
Duns Scotus, 149, 185, 188, 192.
Dureau de la Malle, 225.
Ecclesiastes, 151.
Eck, 211.
‘Economic,’ interpretation
of, 3, 6 et seq.
‘Economic Man,’ imaginary
figure conceived by classical economists, 8.
Economic Review, The, 44.
Economics, causes of lack of interest
in, 14.
Elvira, the Council of, decree against
usury, 169.
Emperor, the, temporal vicar of God, 11.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, The,
definition of ‘Middle Ages,’ 4.
Endemann, 19, 20, 23, 27, 34, 108, 120,
124, 134, 151, 155, 157, 158,
177, 186, 187, 190, 191, 195, 196, 203, 204, 216,
Ephesians, Epistle to the, 89.
Equality, of men, 94.
Esdras, 165.
Espinas, A., 8, 17, 163, 197, 218.
Essenes, the, and communism, 47.
Ethics, error of disregarding in economics,
Eve, see Adam and.
Exchange, regulation of, 32.
justice in, 36 et seq.
theory of, see Cambium.
Exodus, 163.
Ezekiel, 165.
Fathers, the, see Church, the early. Favre, 173. Feudalism, increased organisation of, in thirteenth century, 15. Fornication, expressly forbidden by the Apostles, 168. Franciscans, the, 195, 196. Franciscus Patricius de Senlis, 225. Franck, A., 20, 90, 97. Fratricelli, the, belief in communism, 66. Fundamentum, distinction from titulus, 64 et seq. Funk, Dr., 113, 172, 203.
Galileo, 159.
Gand, Henri de, 110, 149.
Garden of Eden, private property in, 55.
Gasquet, 224.
Genesis, 137, 226.
Genoa, the Archbishop of, 207.
letter from Alexander
III. to, 187.
Gentile, prohibition of usury between
Jew and, 164.
Gentiles, prohibition of usury not imposed
on converts from, 168.
taking of usury from, justified,
Genucian Law, the, interest prohibited
by, 160.
Gerbert, 14.
Gerdilius, 100.
Gerson, 39, 71, 104, 106, 108, 112, 118,
137, 182, 197.
Gide and Rist, 9.
Golden Age, the, private property in,
Gospel, the, preached to the poor, 137.
Gospels, the, on usury, 166.
Goyau, G., 67, 224.
Haney, L.H., 2, 5, 41, 136.
Heeren, A.H.L., 146.
Hettinger, 226.
Hilary of Poictiers, 60.
Hincmar, 14.
Hiring, Thomas Aquinas on, 38.
Hogan, Dr., 43, 47, 49, 137.
Hohoff, Abbe, 114, 199.
Hostiensis, 188.
Hoyta, Henricus de, 19.
Huet, 47.
Hunter, W.A., 105, 161.
Hunting, see Agriculture.