An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching.

An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching.
Clergy, the, and usury, 169.
the, prohibition of trading by, 151. 
Coinage, see Money.
Collegantia, 207.
Colloquy of Archbishop Alfric, The, 149.
Commenda, the, 206.
Commendatarius, the, 207.
Commendator, the, 207. 
Common estimation, of just price not the final criterion, 134. 
Commerce, attitude of later fifteenth century to, 150.
attitude of mediaeval theologians to, 136.
attitude of the Church at end of Middle Ages, 152.
condemnation of, by early Christians, 145.
condemnation of, by scholastics, 146.
dangerous to virtue, 145, 151.
definition of, 144.
extension of, in thirteenth century, 15.
factors making for its illegality, 151.
gradual change of mediaeval attitude to, 152.
justification of, not based on payment for labour, 154.
legitimacy dependent on methods, 146.
legitimacy dependent on motives, 148.
motives regarded as justifying, 153.
necessity for, realised, 147.
necessity of controlling its operations, 154.
not dealt with by early writers, 13.
position in the artes possessivae, 143.
prohibition of speculative, 151.
rules applying to, defined by Nider, 150. 
Communism, alleged, of early Christians, 43.
not part of scholastic teaching, 66. 
Community of user, doctrine of, 85.
no relation to modern socialistic communism, 86. 
Commutations, see Exchange. 
Compensation, for failure to repay loans by date stipulated, 185.
for profit hindered, 189. 
Competition, effect of unrestricted, 31. 
Comte, his definition of ‘Middle Ages’ followed by Dr. Ingram, 3. 
Conquerors, their right to enslavement of the conquered adopted
by Aquinas, 96. 
Constantine, 43. 
Constantinople, fall of, regarded as end of the Middle Ages, 4. 
Consumption, regulation of, 32.
wise, importance of, 227.
wise, the aim of mediaeval teaching, 223. 
Contract, Thomas Aquinas on, 38.
Corinthians, Epistle to the, 48. 
Corpus Juris Canonici, 13, 146. 
Cossa, L.,5, 6, 17, 108, 220. 
Credit, 119. 
Crusades, the, influence of, 15.
the, influence on trade, 146. 
Cunningham, Dr. W., 2, 9, 10, 11, 13, 23, 24, 26, 27, 79, 116,
122, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 152, 212, 218. 
Currency, see Money. 
Cyprian, 168, 170.
attitude to property, 50.

  Damnum emergens, 185, 196.
      nature of, 186.
      universal admission of, 187. 
  Dante, 216.
  De Regimine Principum, doubtful authorship of, 20. 
  Delisle, 27.
  Democratie Chretienne, 199. 
  Deposit, Thomas Aquinas on, 38. 
  Desbuquois, Abbe, 36, 39, 104, 110, 116, 120.
  Deuteronomy, 163. 
  Devas, 30, 49, 226.
  Dictionary of Political Economy, 30, 105, 112, 135, 212.
  Dictionnaire de Theologie, 45.
  Didache, the, attitude to usury,

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An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.