An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching.

An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 233 pages of information about An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching.
the three kinds of, 157, 158.
when justifiable, not a loan, 158. 
Campsor, the, his remuneration approved, 156. 
Canon law the source of knowledge of Christian economic teaching, 13. 
Canonist doctrine, dealt with by Sir W. Ashley, 2. 
Dr. Cunningham’s estimate of its importance, 27.
its impracticability demonstrated by Endemann, 20.
value of the study of, 29. 
Canonists, the, 117. 
Capital, question of the productivity of, 198 et seq.
Carletus, 120, 150, 193, 211. 
Carlyle, Dr., 44, 58, 63. 
Castro, Paul, 208.
Catholic Encyclopaedia, The, definition of ‘Middle Ages,’ 3.
on Communism, 46.
on Just Price, 112, 126.
on Political Economy, 30.
on Population, 225.
on Slavery, 90, 100. 
Cato, 162. 
Cattle-breeding, see Agriculture.
Census constitutivus, 203.
reservativus, 203.
Centesima, the maximum rate of interest in Borne, 161. 
Cesana, montes pietatis at, 196. 
Champagny, 80. 
Change, see Cambium
Chevallier, 20. 
Christ, 42, 231.
a working man, 137.
attitude to manual labour, 223.
attitude to private property and communism, 47.
teaching regarding slavery, 89. 
Christendom, economic unity of, 11. 
Christian economic teaching, 13.
economists, their attempts to reinstitute mediaeval economics, 228.
Christian Monitor, The, 139. 
Christian Exhortation, The, on the protection of the farmer, 143. 
Christianity, as providing an ethical basis of society, 31.
attitude to manual labour, 137, 223.
attitude to slavery, 88.
foundations and origin of its code of social justice, 229. 
Christianity, influence in abolition of Roman slavery, 99 et seq.
possibility of adopting ethics without dogmas of, 229.
reformation of family life by, 226.
relation of economic teaching of, to socialism, 33.
social theory of, 12. 
Church, economic teaching of the mediaeval, 12.
the, attitude to commerce at end of the Middle Ages, 152.
the, attitude to monies pietatis, 197.
the, effect of economic teaching of, on material progress, 223.
the, necessity for understanding economic teaching of, 32.
the, principles followed by, in fixing price, 114.
the, prohibition of usury not peculiar to, 160.
the, socialist view of its teaching on usury, 198.
the early, 230.
the early teaching on usury, 167 et seq.
Cicero, 56, 58, 162. 
Civil Law, Commentaries on, a source of knowledge of Christian
economic teaching, 13. 
Civilisation, result of its advance in the thirteenth century, 15. 
Classical economists, recent reaction against, 29. 
Cleary, Dr., 35, 135, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168,
169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 192, 193, 196, 197, 205. 
Clement of Alexandria, see St. Clement.
of Rome, see St. Clement. 
Project Gutenberg
An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.