[Footnote 1: Endemann, Studien, vol. i. p. 433.]
[Footnote 2: Ashley, op. cit., vol. i. pt. i. p. 448.]
[Footnote 3: De Usuris.]
[Footnote 4: Ashley, op. cit., p. 449.]
It was probably the example of these State loans, or montes profani, that suggested to the Franciscans the possibility of creating an organisation to provide credit facilities for poor borrowers, which was in many ways analogous to the modern co-operative credit banks. Prior to the middle of the fifteenth century, when this experiment was initiated, there had been various attempts by the State to provide credit facilities for the poor, but these need not detain us here, as they did not come to anything.[1] The first of the montes pietatis was founded at Orvieto by the Franciscans in 1462, and after that year they spread rapidly.[2] The montes, although their aim was exclusively philanthropic, found themselves obliged to make a small charge to defray their working expenses, and, although one would think that this could be amply justified by the title of damnum emergens, it provoked a violent attack by the Dominicans. The principal antagonist of the montes pietatis was Thomas da Vio, who wrote a special treatise on the subject, in which he made the point that the montes charged interest from the very beginning of the loan, which was a contradiction of all the previous teaching on interest.[3]
[Footnote 1: Cleary, op. cit., p. 108; Brants, op. cit., p. 159.]
[Footnote 2: Perugia, 1467; Viterbo, 1472; Sevona, 1472; Assisi, 1485; Mantua, 1486; Cesana and Parma, 1488; Interamna and Lucca, 1489; Verona, 1490; Padua, 1491, etc. (Endemann, Studien, vol. i. p. 463).]