The Story of Sigurd the Volsung eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The Story of Sigurd the Volsung.
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The Story of Sigurd the Volsung eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The Story of Sigurd the Volsung.

Lift, the arch of the sky overhead, the highest part of the sky.

Linden, the lime-tree.

Linked mail, armour made of rings linked together.

Lintel, the top of a doorway.

List, to wish, to choose.

Litten, lighted up; cf. red-litten, torch-litten.

Long-ships, ships of war.

Lore, learning, knowledge.

Loth, unwilling, grieved.

Mar, to spoil, disfigure.

Mark, boundary, borderland.

Masters of God-home, the gods of Asgard against whom the giants and all foul monsters were constantly at war.

Mattock, a pick-axe.

Mead, a meadow.

Mew, a sea-gull.

Mid-mirk, thick darkness. Mirk, darkness.

Midward, prime, best days.

Midworld, the earth; the home of men as distinguished from Asgard, the home of the gods, and Niflheim, the home of the dead.

Minish, to grow less.

Moon-wake, the long straight path of light made by the moon on water.

Murder-churls, fierce and suspicious men ready to slay a guest.

Mute, dumb, silent.

Nether, lower.

Niggard, grudging, miserly, unproductive, e.g. the Glittering Heath is called “niggard ground.”

Norns, the three maidens who decided the fates of gods and men.  Their names were Urd, Verdandi and Skuld, or Past, Present, and Future, and they were more powerful than the gods themselves, e.g.  “Gone, forth is the will of the Norns, that abideth ever the same.”

Odin’s door, a warrior’s shield.

Odin’s Hall, Valhalla, to which went the souls of warriors slain in battle.

Pall, a cloak of state; most commonly used in the expression “purple and pall.”

Passing, very; used to give emphasis, e.g.  “He loveth her passing sore,” where both words are simply emphatic.

Peace-strings, the strings which tied a sword into its sheath when it was not in use.

Peers, equals in age and rank.

People’s Praise.  Odin, chief of the gods.  “The death of the People’s Praise” is Ragnarok, the time when Odin and all his fellow gods were to be destroyed.

Purblind, dim-sighted.  The syllable “pur” is a form of the word pure, and gives emphasis to blind.

Purple, cloth dyed with a purple dye made from the murex, a shell-fish found in the Mediterranean.  The secret of making it was known only to the “southern men” or Phoenician traders of Tyre and Sidon.

Quarry, game, prey, the animal chased by a hunter.

Quell, to stop, make to cease.

Quicken, to rouse, bring to life.

Project Gutenberg
The Story of Sigurd the Volsung from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.