Women and the Alphabet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about Women and the Alphabet.

Women and the Alphabet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about Women and the Alphabet.

[Footnote 1:  Projet d’une loi portant defense d’apprendre a lire aux femmes.]



“Allein, bevor und nachdem man Mutter ist, ist Man ein Mensch; die muetterliche Bestimmung aber, oder gar die heeliche, kann nicht die menschliche ueberwiegen oder ersetzen, sondern sie muss das Mittel, nicht der Zweck derselben sein.”—­J.P.F.  Richter:  Levana, sec. 89.

    “But, before and after being a mother, one is a human being; and
    neither the motherly nor the wifely destination can overbalance or
    replace the human, but must become its means, not its end.”


Lord Melbourne, speaking of the fine ladies in London who were fond of talking about their ailments, used to complain that they gave him too much of their natural history.  There are a good many writers—­usually men—­who, with the best intentions, discuss woman as if she had merely a physical organization, and as if she existed only for one object, the production and rearing of children.  Against this some protest may well be made.

Doubtless there are few things more important to a community than the health of its women.  The Sandwich Island proverb says:—­

  “If strong is the frame of the mother,
  The son will give laws to the people.”

And, in nations where all men give laws, all men need mothers of strong frames.

Moreover, there is no harm in admitting that all the rules of our structure are imperative; that soul and body, whether of man or woman, are made in harmony, so that each part of our nature must accept the limitations of the other.  A man’s soul may yearn to the stars; but so long as the body cannot jump so high, he must accept the body’s veto.  It is the same with any veto interposed in advance by the physical structure of woman.  Nobody objects to this general principle.  It is only when clerical gentlemen or physiological gentlemen undertake to go a step farther, and put in that veto on their own responsibility, that it is necessary to say, “Hands off, gentlemen!  Precisely because women are women, they, not you, are to settle that question.”

One or two points are clear.  Every specialist is liable to overrate his own specialty; and the man who thinks of woman only as a wife and mother is apt to forget, that, before she was either of these, she was a human being.  “Women, as such,” says an able writer, “are constituted for purposes of maternity and the continuation of mankind.”  Undoubtedly, and so were men, as such, constituted for paternity.  But very much depends on what relative importance we assign to the phrase, “as such.”  Even an essay so careful, so moderate, and so free from coarseness, as that here quoted, suggests, after all, a slight one-sidedness,—­perhaps a natural reaction from the one-sidedness of those injudicious

Project Gutenberg
Women and the Alphabet from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.