Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

6.  WASP WAISTS.—­Marrying small waists is attended with consequences scarcely less disastrous than marrying rich and fashionable girls.  An amply developed chest is a sure indication of a naturally vigorous constitution and a strong hold on life; while small waists indicate small and feeble vital organs, a delicate constitution, sickly offspring, and a short life.  Beware of them, therefore, unless you wish your heart broken by the early death of your wife and children.

[Illustration:  UNTIL DEATH US DO PART.]

7.  MARRYING TALKERS.—­In marrying a wit or a talker merely, though the brilliant scintillations of the former, or the garrulity of the latter, may amuse or delight you for the time being, yet you will derive no permanent satisfaction from these qualities, for there will be no common bond of kindred feeling to assimilate your souls and hold each spell-bound at the shrine of the other’s intellectual or moral excellence.

8.  THE SECOND WIFE.—­Many men, especially in choosing a second wife, are governed by her own qualifications as a housekeeper mainly, and marry industry and economy.  Though these traits of character are excellent, yet a good housekeeper may be far from being a good wife.  A good housekeeper, but a poor wife, may indeed prepare you a good dinner, and keep her house and children neat and tidy, yet this is but a part of the office of a wife; who, besides all her household duties, has those of a far higher order to perform.  She should soothe you with her sympathies, divert your troubled mind, and make the whole family happy by the gentleness of her manners, and the native goodness of her heart.  A husband should also likewise do his part.

9.  DO NOT MARRY A MAN WITH A LOW, FLAT HEAD; for, however fascinating, genteel, polite, tender, plausible or winning he may be, you will repent the day of your espousal.

10.  HEALTHY WIRES AND MOTHERS.—­Let girls romp, and let them range hill and dale in search of flowers, berries, or any other object of amusement or attraction; let them bathe often, skip the rope, and take a smart ride on horseback; often interspersing these amusements with a turn of sweeping or washing, in order thereby to develop their vital organs, and thus lay a substantial physical foundation for becoming good wives and mothers.  The wildest romps usually make the best wives, while quiet, still, demure, sedate and sedentary girls are not worth having.

11.  SMALL STATURE.—­In passing, I will just remark, that good size is important in wives and mothers.  A small stature is objectionable in a woman, because little women usually have too much activity for their strength, and, consequently, feeble constitutions; hence they die young, and besides, being nervous, suffer extremely as mothers.

12.  HARD TIMES AND MATRIMONY.—­Many persons, particularly young men, refuse to marry, especially “these hard time,” because they cannot support a wife in the style they wish.  To this I reply, that a good wife will care less for the style in which she is supported, than for you.  She will cheerfully conform to your necessities, and be happy with you in a log-cabin.  She will even help you support yourself.  To support a good wife, even if she have children, is really less expensive than to board alone, besides being one of the surest means of acquiring property.

Project Gutenberg
Searchlights on Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.