21. REQUIRE BRAINS.—Culture is good, but will not be transmitted. Brain power may be.
22. STUDY PAST RELATIONSHIP.—The good daughter and sister makes a good wife. The good son and brother makes a good husband.
23. NEVER MARRY AS A MISSIONARY DEED.—If one needs saving from bad habits he is not suitable for you.
24. MARRIAGE IS A SURE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY for all the ills known as seminal losses. As right eating cures a sick stomach and right breathing diseased lungs, so the right use of the sexual organs will bring relief and restoration. Many men who have been sufferers from indiscretions of youth, have married, and were soon cured of spermatorrhoea and other complications which accompanied it.
25. A GOOD, LONG COURTSHIP will often cure many difficulties or ills of the sexual organs. O.S. Fowler says: “See each other often spend many pleasant hours together,” have many walks and talks, think of each other while absent, write many love letters, be inspired to many love feelings and acts towards each other, and exercise your sexuality in a thousand forms ten thousand times, every one of which tones up and thereby recuperates this very element now dilapidated. When you have courted long enough to marry, you will be sufficiently restored to be reimproved by it.
UP AND AT IT.—Dress up, spruce up, and be on the alert. Don’t wait too long to get one much more perfect than you are; but settle on some one soon. Remember that your unsexed state renders you over-dainty, and easily disgusted. So contemplate only their lovable qualities.
26. PURITY OF PURPOSE.—Court with a pure and loyal purpose, and when thoroughly convinced that the disposition of other difficulties are in the way of a happy marriage life, then honorably discuss it and honorably treat each other in the settlement.
27. DO NOT TRIFLE with the feelings or affections of each other. It is a sin that will curse you all the days of your life.
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1. CONSCIOUS OF THE DUTIES OF HER SEX.—A woman conscious of the duties of her sex, one who unflinchingly discharges the duties allotted to her by nature, would no doubt make a good wife.
2. GOOD WIVES AND MOTHERS.—The good wives and mothers are the women who believe in the sisterhood of women as well as in the brotherhood of men. The highest exponent of this type seeks to make her home something more than an abode where children are fed, clothed and taught the catechism. The State has taken her children into politics by making their education a function of politicians. The good wife and homemaker says to her children, “Where thou goest, I will go.” She puts off her own inclinations to ease and selfishness. She studies the men who propose to educate her children; she exhorts mothers to sit beside fathers on the school-board; she will even herself accept such thankless office in the interests of the helpless youth of the schools who need a mother’s as well as a father’s and a teacher’s care in this field of politics.