Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

9.  Those whose motive-temperament decidedly predominates, who are bony, only moderately fleshy, quite prominent-featured, Roman-nosed and muscular, should not marry those similarly formed.

10.  Small, nervous men must not marry little, nervous or sanguine women, lest both they and their children have quite too much of the hot-headed and impulsive, and die suddenly.

11.  Two very beautiful persons rarely do or should marry; nor two extra homely.  The fact is a little singular that very handsome women, who of course can have their pick, rarely marry good-looking men, but generally give preference to those who are homely; because that exquisiteness in which beauty originates naturally blends with that power which accompanies huge noses and disproportionate features.

[Illustration:  LIGHT.  LIFE.  HEALTH AND BEAUTY.]

12.  Rapid movers, speakers, laughers, etc., should marry those who are calm and deliberate, and impulsives those who are stoical; while those who are medium may marry those who are either or neither, as they prefer.

13.  Noses indicate characters by indicating the organisms and temperaments.  Accordingly, those noses especially marked either way should marry those having opposite nasal characteristics.  Roman noses are adapted to those which turn up, and pug noses to those turning down; while straight noses may marry either.

14.  Men who love to command must be especially careful not to marry imperious, women’s-rights woman; while those who willingly “obey orders” need just such.  Some men require a wife who shall take their part; yet all who do not need strong-willed women, should be careful how they marry them.

15.  A sensible woman should not marry an obstinate but injudicious, unintelligent man; because she cannot long endure to see and help him blindly follow his poor, but spurn her good, plans.

16.  The reserved or secretive should marry the frank.  A cunning man cannot endure the least artifice in a wife.  Those who are non-committal must marry those who are demonstrative; else, however much they may love, neither will feel sure as to the other’s affections, and each will distrust the other, while their children will be deceitful.

17.  A timid woman should never marry a hesitating man, lest, like frightened children, each keep perpetually re-alarming the other by imaginary fears.

18.  An industrious, thrifty, hard-working man should marry a woman tolerably saving and industrious.  As the “almighty dollar” is now the great motor-wheel of humanity, and that to which most husbands devote their entire lives to delve alone is uphill work.


[Illustration:  FIRESIDE FANCIES.]

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1.  SEEK EACH OTHER’S HAPPINESS.—­A selfish marriage that seeks only its own happiness defeats itself.  Happiness is a fire that will not burn long on one stick.

Project Gutenberg
Searchlights on Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.