Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

Rub on the scalp every morning.

  Blue vitriol (powdered), one drachm. 
  Alcohol, one ounce. 
  Essence of roses, ten drops. 
  Rain-water, a half-pint.

Shake together until they are thoroughly dissolved.

13.  GRAY HAIR.—­There are no known means by which the hair can be prevented from turning gray, and none which can restore it to its original hue, except through the process of dyeing.  The numerous “hair color restorers” which are advertised are chemical preparations which act in the manner of a dye or as a paint, and are nearly always dependent for their power on the presence of lead.  This mineral, applied to the skin, for a long time, will lead to the most disastrous maladies—­lead-palsy, lead colic, and other symptoms of poisoning.  It should, therefore, never be used for this purpose.



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1.  It requires self-denial to get rid of pimples, for persons troubled with them will persist in eating fat meats and other articles of food calculated to produce them.  Avoid the use of rich gravies, or pastry, or anything of the kind in excess.  Take all the out-door exercise you can and never indulge in a late supper.  Retire at a reasonable hour, and rise early in the morning.  Sulphur to purify the blood may be taken three times a week—­a thimbleful in a glass of milk before breakfast.  It takes some time for the sulphur to do its work, therefore persevere in its use till the humors, or pimples, or blotches, disappear.  Avoid getting wet while taking the sulphur.

2.  TRY THIS RECIPE:  Wash the face twice a day in warm water, and rub dry with a coarse towel.  Then with a soft towel rub in a lotion made of two ounces of white brandy, one ounce of cologne, and one-half ounce of liquor potasse.  Persons subject to skin eruptions should avoid very salty or fat food.  A dose of Epsom salts occasionally might prove beneficial.

3.  Wash the face in a dilution of carbolic acid, allowing one teaspoonful to a pint of water.  This is an excellent and purifying lotion, and may be used on the most delicate skins.  Be careful about letting this wash get into the eyes.

4.  Oil of sweet almonds, one ounce; fluid potash, one drachm.  Shake well together, and then add rose water, one ounce; pure water, six ounces.  Mix.  Rub the pimples or blotches for some minutes with a rough towel, and then dab them with the lotion.

5.  Dissolve one ounce of borax, and sponge the face with it every night.  When there are insects, rub on flower of sulphur, dry after washing, rub well and wipe dry; use plenty of castile soap.

6.  Dilute corrosive sublimate with oil of almonds.  A few days’ application will remove them.

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Project Gutenberg
Searchlights on Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.