UTERINE TONIC: Helonin, three grains; Caulophyllin, three grains; Macrotin, three grains; Hyoscyamine, three grains. Make twenty pills. Dose: One pill after meals.
UTERINE TONIC AND STIMULANT: Take Elixir of Helonias, which can be bought in drug stores, or get the following tinctures and make it at home: Partridge berry, ninety-six grains; unicorn root, forty-eight grains; Blue cohosh, forty-eight grains; cramp bark, forty-eight grains. Steep these for 24 hours in one-half pint of water, add one-half pint of alcohol, then strain and bottle. Dose: One teaspoonful three times a day.
WHITES: Dried alum, one-half ounce; Borax, two ounces; boric acid, four ounces; Thymol, ten grains; Eucalyptol, ten grains; Oil of peppermint, two drams. Dissolve, one teaspoonful of the mixture in a pint of hot water and use as a douche morning and night.
WOMB SPASMS: Cramp bark, one ounce; skullcap, one ounce; skunk cabbage, four drams. Steep 24 hours in one-half pint of water, add one-half pint of alcohol. Dose: One tablespoonful three times a day.
* * * * *
[Transcriber’s Note: The following “Alphabetical Index” is as it appears in the original book. It is not in alphabetical order.]
Abstention, 137
Abstinence, 52
Abuse After Marriage, 202
Abortion or Miscarriage, 253
Abortion, Causes and Symptoms, 253
Abortion, Home Treatment, 254
Abortion, Prevention of, 254
Abortion, The Sin of Herod, 257
Abortion, The Violation of all Law, 256
Absence of Physician, 300
Abraham a Polygamist, 133
A Broken Heart, 159
Aboriginal, Australian, 162
Admired and Beloved, 28
Advantages of Wedlock, 135
Advice to Newly Married Couples, 201
Advice to Married and Unmarried, 181
Advice to Bridegroom, 201
Advice to Young Mothers, 286
Advice to Young Married People, 435
Advice to Young Men, 437
Adultery in the Heart, 409
After Birth, 300
Affectionate Parents, 227
Amenorrhoea, 355
Amativeness or Connubial Love, 122
Animal Passions, 434
Animal Impulse, 227
Apoplexy, 365
Artificial Impregnation, 270
Arms, Beautiful, 131
Assassin of Garfield, 294
Asking an Honest Question, 61
Associates, Influence of, 11
Authority of the Wife, 267
Bad Company, The Result of, 13
Bad Society, 381
Bad Dressing, 409
Bad Books, 421
Bad Breath, 365
Bathing, Rules for, 371-373
Bath, The, 83
Barber’s Shampoos, 107
Bad Breast, 322
Bastards or Illegitimates, 224
Beginning of Life, 5
Begin at Right Place, 7
Begin Well, 17
Beauty and Style, 27
Beauty a Dangerous Gift, 27
Beautiful Women, Beware of, 27
Beauty in Dress, 89
Beauty, 91-92
Beauty Which Perishes Not, 92