Treatment: A surgical operation is the only means of cure.
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AFTER PAINS: Salophen in fifteen grain doses. If necessary take another dose in two hours. Should the pains reappear the next day, repeat the dosage.
AMENORRHEA: Tincture chloride of iron, three drams; tincture cantharides, one dram; tincture guaiac ammon., one-half dram; tincture aloe, one-half ounce; syrup enough to make six ounces. Dose: Tablespoonful after meals.
CANCER OF THE WOMB: Make a solution and use in douches: Picric acid, two one-half dram; water one and one-half pint; the patient must lie flat on back while fluid runs up into the vagina, hips must be raised; retain the fluid as long as possible. Later on make a cotton tampon, saturated with chloral hydrate, one-half dram; cocaine hydrochloride, one and one-half grain; dissolve in five drams of water. Use injection and tampon morning and night.
DYSMENORRHEA: Asafoetida, forty grains; ext. Valerian, twenty grains; ext. Cannabis Indica, five grains; make twenty pills. Dose: One pill after meals. Use the following ointment for the pain in the back: Ext. Hyoscyamus, thirty grains; ext. Belladonna, thirty grains; Adipis, one ounce. Apply locally night and morning.
EMMENAGOGUE: Ergotin, twenty grains; ext. cotton root bark, twenty grains; Purified Aloes, twenty grains; Dried Ferrous sulphate, twenty grains; ext. Savine, ten grains. Make twenty pills. Dose: One pill four times a day.
ENDOMETRITIS: Ext. Viburnum Prun, forty grains; ext. Hamamelis, twenty grains; Ergotin, ten grains; ext. Nux Vomica, two grains; Hydrastin, one grain. Make twenty pills. Dose: One pill morning and night.
FIBROID TUMORS: Chromium Sulphate, four-grain tablets. Dose: One tablet after meals.
FISSURE OF NIPPLES: Apply Iodoform, one dram; carbolic acid, twenty grains; white Petrolatum, one ounce. Apply at night; requires thorough washing next morning.
HELONIAS COMPOSITION: Helonias, fifteen grains; Squaw wine, sixty grains; Viburnum Opulus, fifteen grains; Caulophyllum, fifteen grains; syrup, two ounces. Dose: Teaspoonful every two hours.
LEUCORRHOEA: Ext. Hyoscyamus, one dram; ext. Hamamelis, one dram; tannic acid, one dram; ext. Helonias, one-half dram; Salicylic acid, one dram; Alum, three drams; boric acid, five drams. Dissolve flat teaspoonful in half cup of water, soak a cotton tampon and place way up in the vagina. As a tonic take: Tincture Cinchona comp., two ounces; tincture gentian comp., two ounces. Dose: Dessertspoonful after meals.
MENOPAUSE: Ammonium bromide, two drams; Potassium bromide, four drams; aromatii spirits amoniae, six drams; camphor water enough to make six ounces. Dose: One dessertspoonful, three times a day.
MENORRHAGIA: Gallic acid, fifty grains; Ergotin, twenty grains; Hydrastin, ten grains. Make twenty pills. Dose: One pill after meals. Another prescription: Calcium chloride, two and one-half drams; syrup, fifteen drams; water, six ounces. Dose: One tablespoonful morning and night.