2. If a man wears his hat well down on the forehead, shading the eyes more or less, will always keep his own counsel. He will not confide a secret, and if criminally inclined will be a very dangerous character.
3. If a lady naturally inclines to high-necked dresses and collars, she will keep her secrets to herself if she has any. In courtship or love she is an uncertainty, as she will not reveal sentiments of her heart. The secretive girl, however, usually makes a good housekeeper and rarely gets mixed into neighborhood difficulties. As a wife she will not be the most affectionate, nor will she trouble her husband with many of her trials or difficulties.
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Some years ago two German Physicians, Kroenig and Grauss, of the University of Baden, startled the world by announcing: “Dammerschlaf” or “Twilight Sleep,” a treatment which rendered childbirth almost painless and free from dangerous complications. A woman’s clinic was established at Freiburg where a combination of scopolamine and morphine was given. The muscular activity of the pelvic organs was not lessened, the length of labor was shortened, and instruments were rarely necessary.
ABBOTT’S H-M-C is another sedative composed of hyoseine, morphine, and cactoid. It is less dangerous than the other remedy, and accomplishes the same result, hence is greatly preferred.
THE UTMOST CAUTION is necessary in the administration of either of these drugs, and the most competent medical supervision is essential to their success.
CAUTIONS.—The patient should not be left a moment without medical supervision. The lying in chamber should be darkened, and kept as quiet as possible.
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WHY SHOULD A WOMAN SUFFER?—Childbirth is a natural function, as natural as eating, sleeping or walking. If the laws of nature are complied with it loses most, if not all, of its terrors. The facts show that Indian women, and those of other uncivilized races have children without experiencing pain, and with none of the so common modern complications.
WHAT IS THE REASON?—They live a natural, out of doors life, free from the evils and restrictions of present day civilization in dress and habits of life.
A NORMAL LIFE.—The expectant mother should therefore live a perfectly rational life, keeping the stomach and intestines especially healthy and active, and hence the general physical condition good. An abundance of fresh air, hearty exercise, and childbirth will pass over without any abnormal consequences.
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THE WOMAN’S PLACE IS IN THE HOME.—For centuries the world has stuck to this rule. Because the woman has been considered less fit for the struggles of the active workaday world, she has been kept at home, shut in from the air and sunshine, deprived of healthy exercise, and obliged to live a life of confinement and inactivity.