Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

3.  MAGNETISM OF THE MIND.—­Now, what is true of the magnet and steel, is also true—­from the sameness of their nature—­of two bodies.  And what is true of the body in this sense, is also true of the sameness or magnetism of the mind.  Hence, by the laying on of hands, or by the association of the minds of individuals, we reach the same result as when a combination is produced in any department of nature.  Where this sameness of affinity exists, there will be a blending of forces, which has a tendency to build up vitality.

4.  A PROOF.—­As a proof of this position, how often have you found the society of strangers to be so repulsive to your feelings, that you have no disposition to associate.  Others seem to bring with them a soothing influence that draws you closer to them.  All these involuntary likes and dislikes are but the results of the animal magnetism that we are constantly throwing off from our bodies,—­although seemingly imperceptible to our internal senses.—­The dog can scent his master, and determine the course which he pursues, no doubt from similar influences.

5.  HOME HARMONY.—­Many of the infirmities that afflict humanity are largely due to a want of an understanding of its principles, and the right applications of the same.  I believe that if this law of magnetism was more fully understood and acted upon, there would be a far greater harmony in the domestic circle; the health of parents and children might often be preserved where now sickness and discord so frequently prevail.

6.  THE LAW OF MAGNETISM.—­When two bodies are brought into contact with each other, the weak must naturally draw from the strong until both have become equal.  And as long as this equality exists there will be perfect harmony between individuals, because of the reciprocation which exists in their nature.

7.  SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.—­But if one should gain the advantage of the other in magnetic attraction, the chances are that through the law of development, or what has been termed the “Survival of the Fittest”—­the stronger will rob the weaker until one becomes robust and healthy, while the other grows weaker and weaker day by day.  This frequently occurs with children sleeping together, also between husband and wife.

8.  SLEEPING WITH INVALIDS.—­Healthy, hearty, vigorous persons sleeping with a diseased person is always at a disadvantage.  The consumptive patient will draw from the strong, until the consumptive person becomes the strong patient and the strong person will become the consumptive.  There are many cases on record to prove this statement.  A well person should never sleep with an invalid if he desires to keep his health unimpaired, for the weak will take from the strong, until the strong becomes the weak and the weak the strong.  Many a husband has died from a lingering disease which saved his wife from an early grave.  He took the disease from his wife because he was the stronger, and she became better and he perished.

Project Gutenberg
Searchlights on Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.