Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

10.  A GREAT WRONG.—­Parents too poor to clothe themselves bring children into the world, children for whom they have no bread, consequently the girl easily falls a victim in early womanhood to the heartless libertine.  The boy with no other schooling but that of the streets soon masters all the qualifications for a professional criminal.  If there could be a law forbidding people to marry who have no visible means of supporting a family, or if they should marry, if their children could be taken from them and properly educated by the State, it would cost the country less and be a great step in advancing our civilization.

11.  THE FIRST STEP.—­Thousands of fallen women could have been saved from lives of degradation and deaths of shame had they received more toleration and loving forgiveness in their first steps of error.  Many women naturally pure and virtuous have fallen to the lowest depths because discarded by friends, frowned upon by society, and sneered at by the world, after they had taken a single mis-step.  Society forgives man, but woman never.

12.  IN THE BEGINNING of every girl’s downward career there is necessarily a hesitation.  She naturally ponders over what course to take, dreading to meet friends and looking into the future with horror.  That moment is the vital turning point in her career; a kind word of forgiveness, a mother’s embrace a father’s welcome may save her.  The bloodhounds, known as the seducer, the libertine, the procurer, are upon her track; she is trembling on the frightful brink of the abyss.  Extend a helping hand and save her!

13.  FATHER, if your daughter goes astray, do not drive her from your home.  Mother, if your child errs, do not close your heart against her.  Sisters and brothers and friends, do not force her into the pathway of shame, but rather strive to win her back into the Eden of virtue, an in nine cases out of ten you will succeed.

14.  SOCIETY EVILS.—­The dance, the theater, the wine-cup, the race-course, the idle frivolity and luxury of summer watering places, all have a tendency to demoralize the young.

15.  BAD SOCIETY.—­Much of our modern society admits libertines and seducers to the drawing-room, while it excludes their helpless and degraded victims, consequently it is not strange that there are skeletons in many closets, matrimonial infelicity and wayward girls.

16. “‘KNOW THYSELF,’” says Dr. Saur, “is an important maxim for us all, and especially is it true for girls.

“All are born with the desire to become attractive girls especially want to grow up, not only attractive, but beautiful.  Some girls think that bright eyes, pretty hair and fine clothes alone make them beautiful.  This is not so.  Real beauty depends upon good health, good manners and a pure mind.

“As the happiness of our girls depends upon their health, it behoves us all to guide the girls in such a way as to bring forward the best of results.

Project Gutenberg
Searchlights on Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.