Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.


1.  APPLE WATER.—­Cut two large apples into slices and pour a quart of boiling water on them, or on roasted apples; strain in two or three hours and sweeten slightly.

2.  ORANGEADE.—­Take the thin peel of two oranges and of one lemon; add water and sugar the same as for hot lemonade.  When cold add the juice of four or five oranges and one lemon and strain off.

3.  HOT LEMONADE.—­Take two thin slices and the juice of one lemon; mix with two tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar, and add one-half pint of boiling water.

4.  FLAXSEED LEMONADE.—­Two tablespoonfuls of whole flaxseed to a pint of boiling water, let it steep three hours, strain when cool and add the juice of two lemons and two tablespoonfuls of honey.  If too thick, put in cold water.  Splendid for colds and suppression of urine.

5.  JELLY WATER.—­Sour jellies dissolved in water make a pleasant drink for fever patients.

6.  TOAST WATER.—­Toast several thin pieces of bread a slice deep brown, but do not blacken or burn.  Break into small pieces and put into a jar.  Pour over the pieces a quart of boiling water; cover the jar and let it stand an hour before using.  Strain if desired.

7.  WHITE OF EGG AND MILK.—­The white of an egg beaten to a stiff froth, and stirred very quickly into a glass of milk, is a very nourishing food for persons whose digestion is weak, also for children who cannot digest milk alone.

8.  EGG COCOA.—­One-half teaspoon cocoa with enough hot water to make a paste.  Take one egg, beat white and yolk separately.  Stir into a cup of milk heated to nearly boiling.  Sweeten if desired.  Very nourishing.

9.  EGG LEMONADE.—­White of one egg, one tablespoonful pulverized sugar, juice of one lemon and one goblet of water.  Beat together.  Very grateful in inflammation of of lungs, stomach or bowels.

10.  BEEF TEA.—­For every quart of tea desired use one pound of fresh beef, from which all fat, bones and sinews have been carefully removed; cut the beef into pieces a quarter of an inch thick and mix with a pint of cold water.  Let it stand an hour, then pour into a glass fruit can and place in a vessel of water; let it heat on the stove another hour, but do not let it boil.  Strain before using.


1.  SAGO JELLY.—­Simmer gently in a pint of water two tablespoonfuls of sago until it thickens, frequently stirring.  A little sugar may be added if desired.

2.  CHICKEN JELLY.—­Take half a raw chicken, tie in a coarse cloth and pound, till well mashed, bones and meat together.  Place the mass in a covered dish with water sufficient to cover it well.  Allow it to simmer slowly till the liquor is reduced about one-half and the meat is thoroughly cooked.  Press through a fine sieve or cloth, and salt to taste.  Place on the stove to simmer about five minutes When cold remove all particles of grease.

Project Gutenberg
Searchlights on Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.