“Remember never to be a gossip or tattler, and always to hold sacred the knowledge which, to a certain extent, you must obtain of the private affairs of your patient and the household in which you nurse.
“Never contradict your patient, nor argue with him, nor let him see that you are annoyed about anything.
“Never whisper in the sick room. If your patient be well enough, and wishes you to talk to him, speak in a low, distinct voice, on cheerful subjects. Don’t relate painful hospital experiences, nor give details of the maladies of former patients, and remember never to startle him with accounts of dreadful crimes or accidents that you have read in the newspapers.
“Write down the orders that the physician gives you as to time for giving the medicines, food, etc.
“Keep the room bright (unless the doctor orders it darkened).
“Let the air of the room be as pure as possible, and keep everything in order, but without being fussy and bustling.
“The only way to remove dust in a sick room is to wipe everything with a damp cloth.
“Remember to carry out all vessels covered. Empty and wash them immediately, and keep some disinfectant in them.
“Remember that to leave the patient’s untasted food by his side, from meal to meal, in hopes that he will eat it in the interval, is simply to prevent him from taking any food at all.
“Medicines, beef tea or stimulants, should never be kept where the patient can see them or smell them.
“Light-colored clothing should be worn by those who have the care of the sick, in preference to dark-colored apparel; particularly if the disease is of a contagious nature. Experiments have shown that black and other dark colors will absorb more readily the subtle effluvia that emanates from sick persons than white or light colors.”
* * * * *
The following table exhibits very recent mortality statistics, showing the average duration of life among persons of various classes:
Employment. Years.
Judges 65
Farmers 64
Bank Officers 64
Coopers 58
Public Officers 57
Clergymen 56
Shipwrights 55
Hatters 54
Lawyers 54
Rope Makers 54
Blacksmiths 51
Merchants 51
Calico Printers 51
Physicians 51
Butchers 50
Carpenters 49
Masons 48
Traders 46
Tailors 44
Jewelers 44
Manufacturers 43
Bakers 43
Painters 43
Shoemakers 43
Mechanics 43
Editors 40
Musicians 39
Printers 38
Machinists 36
Teachers 34
Clerks 34
Operatives 32
“It will be easily seen, by these figures, how a quiet or tranquil life affects longevity. The phlegmatic man will live longer, all other things being equal, than the sanguine, nervous individual. Marriage is favorable to longevity, and it has also been ascertained that women live longer than men.”