Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

2.  HEREDITARY EFFECTS.—­Those who are born to become insane do not necessarily spring from insane parents, or from any ancestry having any apparent taint of lunacy in their blood, but they do receive from their progenitors certain impressions upon their mental and moral, as well as their physical beings, which impressions, like an iron mould, fix and shape their subsequent destinies.  Hysteria in the mother may develop insanity in the child, while drunkenness in the father may impel epilepsy, or mania, in the son.  Ungoverned passions in the parents may unloose the furies of unrestrained madness in the minds of their children, and the bad treatment of the wife may produce sickly or weak-minded children.

3.  The influence of predominant passion may be transmitted from the parent to the child, just as surely a similarity of looks.  It has been truly said that “the faculties which predominate in power and activity in the parents, when the organic existence of the child commences, determine its future mental disposition.”  A bad mental condition of the mother may produce serious defects upon her unborn child.

4.  The singular effects produced on the unborn child by the sudden mental emotions of the mother are remarkable examples of a kind of electrotyping on the sensitive surfaces of living forms.  It is doubtless true that the mind’s action in such cases may increase or diminish the molecular deposits in the several portions of the system.  The precise place which each separate particle assumes in the new organic structure may be determined by the influence of thought or feeling.  Perfect love and perfect harmony should exist between wife and husband during this vital period.

5.  AN ILLUSTRATION.—­If a sudden and powerful emotion of a woman’s mind exerts such an influence upon her stomach as to excite vomiting, and upon her heart as almost to arrest its motion and induce fainting, can we believe that it will have no effect upon her womb and the fragile being contained within it?  Facts and reason then, alike demonstrate the reality of the influence, and much practical advantage would result to both parent and child, were the conditions and extent of its operations better understood.

6.  Pregnant women should not be exposed to causes likely to distress or otherwise strongly impress their minds.  A consistent life with worthy objects constantly kept in mind should be the aim and purpose of every expectant mother.

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Ninety-four babies out of every thousand born in New York died last year.  Only thirty-eight babies died in Montclair, N.J., out of every thousand born during the same period.  Much credit for this low rate of infant mortality in the latter city is given the Montclair Day Nursery which prescribes the following decade of baby health rules: 

1.  Give a baby pure milk and watch its feeding very closely.

Project Gutenberg
Searchlights on Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.