Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 120 pages of information about Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891.

Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 120 pages of information about Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891.
pressed upon their attention and patronage, by every device and artifice of the energetic and more or less unscrupulous publisher, other papers equally able and brilliant and comprehensive, but bringing also their burden of needless sensationalism and mendacity, undue expansion of all manner of scandal, amplification of every detail and kind of crime, and every phase of covert innuendo or open attack upon official doing and private character—­the whole infernal mass procured, and stimulated and broadcast among the people by the “business end of it,” with the one and only intent of securing and holding circulation.

Take a representative and pertinent example.  Eight years ago there were in New York ten or eleven standard newspapers, as ably and inclusively edited and as energetically and successfully conducted, business-wise, as they are now.  Even at their worst they were decently mindful of life’s proprieties and moralities and they throve by legitimate sale of the most and best news and the best possible elucidation and discussion thereof.  The father could bring the paper of his choice to his breakfast table with no fear that his own moral sense and self-respect might be outraged, or that the face of his wife might be crimsoned and the minds of his children befouled.  But there came from out of the West new men and new forces, quick to see the larger opportunity opened in the very center of five millions of people, and almost in a night came the metamorphosis of the old World into the new.  It was deftly given out that existing conditions were inadequate to the better deserts of the Knickerbocker, the Jersey-man, and the Yankee, and that a new purveyor of more highly seasoned news and a more doughty champion of their rights and interests was hither from the land of life and movement—­at two cents per copy.  There was a panic in New York newspaper counting rooms, and prices tumbled in two days from the three and four cents of fair profit to the two and three cents of bare cost or less.  The new factors in demoralization cared nothing for competition in prices or legitimate goods, for they had other ideas of coddling the dear people.  Ready to their purpose lay disintegrated Liberty, waiting for a rock upon which to plant her feet and raise her torch, and the new combination between the world, the flesh and the devil, waiting and ready for access to the pockets of the public, was only too ready to set up Liberty and itself at one stroke, if only the joint operation could be done without expense to itself.  The people said, “What wonderful enterprise!” “What a generous spirit!” The combination, with tongue in cheek and finger laid alongside nose, said to itself as it saw its circulation spring in one bound from five figures into six, “Verily we’ve got there! for these on the Hudson are greater gudgeons than are they on the Mississippi.”  From then until now, with an outward semblance and constant pretense of serving the people; with blare

Project Gutenberg
Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.