Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.

Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.
against her precious nephew, the personification of bluff frankness.  As if to make crushing him impossible, young Kranich had now withdrawn to America, leaving his reputation in that best possible protection, the chivalry that is extended toward the absent.  Fortnoye was baffled.  “I will ask the baby at its tomb for its mother’s and father’s name,” he cried.  In the pretty God’s Acre he found a fresh harvest of flowers and a new statue over the well-known grave.  It was a pretty miniature of Thorwaldsen’s Psyche, on which the proud copyist had inscribed his name.  A respectful correspondence with Mrs. Ashburleigh, to whom he was guided by the sculptor, and who was now taking the waters at Wildbad, soon put the whole tangled story to rights.  Fortnoye had the happiness of conducting Francine, by this time his affianced wife, to the good Frau Kranich, who, convinced that she had wrongly judged her, threw her arms ardently around her recovered jewel, letting the eternal little book fly from her hand like a projectile.

[Illustration:  The future of FFARINA.]

“But the most singular part of the story,” concluded Father Joliet, “is the letter which Fortnoye, after two or three quarrels, forced out of young Kranich when the latter had returned to Europe, full of triumph and debts, to take possession of his aunt for the rest of his life.  Here it is,” added the good man, opening a pocket-book.  “The hand-writing is drunken, but the sense is clear as Seltzer-water.  The scholars tell me in vino veritas est, but it appears to me that truth really comes out in the repentance and headache that follow.”

[Illustration:  Hohenfelsfailure.]

My dear aunt” (ran the letter which Charles had seen forced from the alligator after his unlucky game of dominoes):  “You have known me as the soul of candor.  It is this happy quality which compels me to state (for I am something of a Rousseau) that if I ever playfully accused your pretty pet Francine of being a flirt, I knew nothing about it.  The best proof is that she absolutely refused to join her expectations with mine, though I am something of an Adonis.  If you believed that she and the wine-peddler had made a match, I pity your credulity and ignorance of human nature.  I am certain that neither the peddler nor myself would touch the enterprise until you had shown exactly what you would (pecuniarily) do.  For my part, I have acted throughout on the most exact and advanced scientific principles.  Intending to modify the spirit-trade in America, and especially to introduce the exclusive agency of the Farina essences, I found that the sinew particularly needed for this leap was capital.  Desiring to absorb your bounties toward Francine, I at first proposed matrimony.  This offer was made without any enmity toward the girl, as my next move was without affection, though it seems to be resulting to her benefit.  I became her accuser

Project Gutenberg
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.