Regeneration eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 204 pages of information about Regeneration.

Regeneration eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 204 pages of information about Regeneration.

Some local voluntary worker becomes responsible for setting each recruit a definite task in connexion with our efforts, and all are placed under the general oversight of their Captain.  A Corps, which is the unit of our Organization, is organized under a Captain and Lieutenant who have been trained in the work they have to do as leaders.  Corps are linked together into divisions under Officers, who, in addition to seeing that they regularly carry out their work, have the oversight of a considerable tract of country, with the duty of extending our operations within that area.  In some countries a number of divisions are sometimes grouped into provinces with an Officer in charge of the whole province, and each country has its national headquarters under a Territorial Commissioner, all being under the lead of the International Headquarters in London.

No time is wasted in committee-ing or debating amongst us, and yet in all matters of finance and property there is such arrangement that several individuals are cognizant of every detail, and that no one person’s fault or neglect shall necessarily involve permanent injury or loss.  The central accounts in each country, including those in London, are under the care of public auditors; but we have also our own International Audit Department, whose representatives visit every headquarters from time to time, so as to make sure, not only that the accounts are kept on our approved system, but that all expenditure is rigidly criticized.  All who really look into our financial methods are impressed by their economy and precision.  The fact is that almost all our people have been well schooled in poverty.  They have learned the value of pence.

All this seems to me to have great importance in connexion with estimates of our future.  On the one hand we are ever seeking to impress on all our people the supreme need of God’s spirit of love and life and freedom, without whose presence the most carefully managed system could not but speedily grow cold and useless.  But at the same time, we insist that the service of God, however full of love and gladness, ought to be more precise, more regular, nay, more exacting than that of any inferior master.


As to your question whether we are generally making progress, I think I can say that, viewing the whole field of activity, and taking into account every aspect of the work, the Army is undoubtedly on the up-grade.  Naturally progress is not so rapid in one country as another, nor is it always so marked in one period as in another in particular countries, nor is it always so evident in some departments of effort as in others; but speaking of the whole, there is, as indeed there has been from the very beginnings, steady advance.

Project Gutenberg
Regeneration from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.